
Babel plugin to allow importing all modules in subdirectories of a folder. Zero configuration. Supports babel >= 7.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import babelPluginImportDir from '';



Babel plugin to allow importing all modules in subdirectories of a folder. Zero configuration. Supports babel >= 7.


Enable the plugin in .babelrc:

  "plugins": ["babel-plugin-import-dir"]

Basic example

Let's say you have such a folder structure, and wish to export a, b and c from top/index.js:

- a/
  - index.js
- b/
  - index.js
- c/
  - index.js

In top/index.js:

import modules from './*';

export default modules;

This is roughly transformed into:

import a from './a';
import b from './b';
import c from './c';

const modules = {
  a, b, c

export default modules;

You can now use it in another file:

import * as modules from './top';


Import directly from top/:

import modules from './top/*';

console.log(modules);  // {a: <module 'a'>, b: <mobule 'b'>, c: <module 'c'>}

Directories with kebab-cased names will be converted into camelCase

- kebab-case/
  - index.js
- b/
  - index.js
- c/
  - index.js
import modules from './top/*'

console.log(modules);  // {kebabCase: <module 'kebab-case'>, b: <mobule 'b'>, c: <module 'c'>}


  • Only single-level directory imports are supported. This means you can't do something like:
import modules from './**/*'
  • If you are running a file watcher (e.g. watchman, nodemon) in development, changes to directory names might not be picked up by babel. If this happens, restarting your development script should do the trick.