
Babel plugin to inline constants

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import babelPluginInlineConstants from '';



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Babel plugin to inline constants in code. This is useful because gzip likes repeated patterns (such as using magic numbers or strings multiple times), whereas looking things up in objects is easier to develop with. “Constants” here are specific files that are imported or required which contain primitives (numbers, strings, booleans, null).


This package is ESM only: Node 12+ is needed to use it and it must be imported instead of required.


npm install babel-plugin-inline-constants


First, this plugin must be configured with a pattern, so in a .babelrc, do:

  "plugins": [["babel-plugin-inline-constants", {"modules": "./math"}]]

Then, a CJS example is as follows, math.js:

exports.pi = 3.14


var math = require('./math')

console.log('one pi:', math.pi)
console.log('two pi:', 2 * math.pi)
console.log('pi pi:', math.pi * math.pi)

Now running Babel (with @babel/cli and @babel/core installed):

babel example.js


console.log('one pi:', 3.14);
console.log('two pi:', 2 * 3.14);
console.log('pi pi:', 3.14 * 3.14);

Or with ESM (which requires extensions):

  "plugins": [["babel-plugin-inline-constants", {"modules": "./math.js"}]]


export const pi = 3.14


import {pi} from './math.js'

console.log('one pi:', pi)
console.log('two pi:', 2 * pi)
console.log('pi pi:', pi * pi)

Then running Babel:

babel example.js

Yields the same as above.


This package exports no identifiers. There is only a default export.


This is a Babel plugin. See its documentation on how to use Babel plugins.

This plugin must be configured with a modules array. Values in this array are the same as the x in require(x) or import y from x, and resolve from the CWD (current working directory) that babel is running in. When these modules are then used, their values are then inlined.

So, if you are going to inline a file from node_modules such as charcodes, you can use modules: ['charcodes'].

Modules to be inlined are evaluated with Node, so only use this plugin if you completely trust your code.

To ignore the error when modules cannot be found, set ignoreModuleNotFound to true.

  • ESM (import) and CJS (require) are supported
  • Modules to be inlined must be defined in modules
  • PRs welcome to make this rather experimental project better!



MIT © Titus Wormer