
Serialize Backbone models and collections into JSON representations

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import backboneSerialize from '';


backbone-serialize Build status

Serialize Backbone models and collections into JSON representations

This was written to prevent mutating model/collection state once inside of a template. This was heavily inspired by Chaplin's serialize method.

Getting Started


Install the module with: npm install backbone-serialize

// Add our bindings to Backbone
var BackboneSerialize = require('backbone-serialize');
var Backbone = BackboneSerialize.mixin(require('backbone'));

// Create a model and serialize it
var model = new Backbone.Model({
  hello: 'world'
model.serialize(); // {hello: 'world'}

// Create a model with a model and serialize it
var model = new Backbone.Model({
  name: 'Earth',
  galaxy: new Backbone.Model({
    name: 'Milky Way'
model.serialize(); // {name: 'Earth', galaxy: {name: 'Milky Way'}}

// Create a model with dynamic attributes
var PersonModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
  dynamicAttributes: ['full_name'],
  full_name: function () {
    return this.get('first_name') + ' ' + this.get('last_name');
var person = new PersonModel({
  first_name: 'Bark',
  last_name: 'Ruffalo'
person.serialize(); // {first_name: 'Bark', full_name: 'Bark Ruffalo', last_name: 'Ruffalo'}

// Create a collection and serialize it
var collection = new Backbone.Collection([
  new Backbone.Model({
    word: 'hello'
  new Backbone.Model({
    word: 'world'
collection.serialize(); // [{word: 'hello'}, {word: 'world'}]


Install the module with: bower install backbone-serialize

<script src="bower_components/backbone-serialize/dist/backbone-serialize.min.js"></script>
  window.BackboneSerialize; // Use same as in `npm`


Download the minified JS at:

<script src="backbone-serialize.min.js"></script>
  window.BackboneSerialize; // Use same as in `npm`


backbone-serialize exposes the function mixin via exports.mixin.


Add serialize bindings to Backbone library

This function mutates Backbone.Model.prototype and Backbone.Collection.prototype and adds a serialize method to each.

  • Backbone Object - Backbone library to mix into
    • Model Function - Constructor for Backbone models
    • Collection Function - Constructor for Backbone collections


  • Backbone Object - Original Backbone library passed in with mutated Backbone.Model and Backbone.Collection


Array of attributes that should be added to the returned serialized values. It is preferred to define this via Model.extend but it can be defined directly on instances.

  • dynamicAttributes String[] - Array of strings for methods to run and save as serialized attributes
    • For example, if dynamicAttributes is ['formatted_date'], then model.formatted_date() would be run and saved to the serialized result

Usage via Model.extend:

var UserModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
  dynamicAttributes: ['formatted_date'],
  formatted_date: function () {
    // `last_login_date` is a Date, we are formatting it to a human friendlier string
    // e.g. 'Wed Feb 25 2015'
    return this.get('last_login_date').toDateString();
var user = new UserModel({
  username: 'barkruffalo'
user.serialize(); /*
  formatted_date: 'Wed Feb 25 2015',
  username: 'barkruffalo'


Return JSON form of model.attributes. This iterates over model.attributes, serializes any models/collections, and saves all attributes into an object.

Additionally, it supports model.dynamicAttributes which allows for converting methods into their serialized form.


  • retObj Object - Serialized form of model.attributes
    • This will be key/value pairs that directly correspond to model.attributes
    • If any of the attributes were a model or collection, then this will be their .serialize()'d form
    • If model.dynamicAttributes was defined, then those properties will be executed and be preset on retObj under their respective keys


Returns JSON form of collection.models. This iterates over collection.models, serializes any models, and saves all results into an array of objects.


  • retArr Object[] - Array of serialized form of collection.models
    • This will be in the same order as collection.models
    • If any of the models were a model, then this will be their .serialize()'d form


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint via npm run lint and test via npm test.


Copyright (c) 2015

Licensed under the MIT license.