
a tiny (<270 bytes gzip), unobtrusive IoC container that lazily instantiates any type from standard factories.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import basicIocContainer from '';


tiny unobtrusive IoC container (<270 bytes gzip)


a tiny (<270 bytes gzip), unobtrusive IoC container that lazily instantiates any type from standard factories.


  • unobtrusive: minimal footprint on the code of the modules that are wired together. instances are created by standard factories that deconstruct their dependencies from a plain javascript object they receive as argument.
  • lazy: instantiates dependencies only when required.
  • fully compatible with any form of module import. does not monkeypatch require.
  • fully compatible with minification. does not stringify factories to extract dependency names.
  • fully compatible with any test framework. simply mock dependencies in tests, without any additional tools.
  • typescript support.
  • tiny: less than 270 bytes gzip.


see the full example in this directory.
run the example in your browser locally with npm run example or online here.


import container from 'basic-ioc-container'
import serviceFactory, { Service } from './service'
import dbFactory, { Db } from './db'
import log from './console'
const { version: VERSION } = require('../package.json')
const DB_NAME = 'app-store'

// declare the shape of the IoC container
interface Container {
  version: string
  service: Service
  db: Db
  dbname: string

// instantiate a container of the above shape,
// and retrieve a corresponding factory registration function
const use = container<Container>()
// register factories from a map
  version: () => VERSION, // register a constant
  service: serviceFactory
// or register factories individually
use('db', dbFactory)
use('dbname', () => DB_NAME)

// each of the above returns the container object, as well as:
const { service } = use() // pull service from container{ id: 'doc', foo: 'foo' })

// alternatively, inject directly (without registering):
use(({ version }) => log('version:')(version))

refer to the API section for detailed usage.

the code for the service factory is not tainted by the DI container implementation: it merely implements IoC by deconstructing its dependencies from the plain javascript object it receives as argument.

export interface Service {
  save <D extends { id: string }>(obj: D): Promise<DocRef>

export interface ServiceSpec {
  version: string
  db: Db

export interface Db {
  insert <D extends { id: string }, R extends DocRef>(obj: D): Promise<R>

export interface DocRef {
  dbname: string
  id: string
  rev: string

export default function ({ version, db }: ServiceSpec): Service {
  return {
    save <D extends { id: string }>(obj: D): Promise<DocRef> {
      return db.insert(obj)
      .then(({ dbname, id, rev }) => ({ dbname, id, rev }))

likewise, the db factory deconstructs its single dependency from its argument. it is completely unaware that the instances it creates will be injected into the service by the DI container.

export interface Db {
  insert <D extends { id: string }>(doc: D): Promise<DbResult>

export interface DbResult {
  dbname: string
  id: string
  rev: string
  status: number

export default function ({ dbname }): Db {
  return {
    insert <D extends { id: string }>(doc: D): Promise<DbResult> {
      return new Promise<DbResult>(function (res) {
        setTimeout(res, 1000, {
          rev: '1-0123456789ABCDEF',
          status: 200


export declare type IoCFactory<C extends object, K extends keyof C> =
  (deps?: Partial<C>) => C[K]

export declare type IoCFactoryMap<C extends object> = {
    [K in keyof C]: IoCFactory<C, K>

export default function <C extends object>(container?: Partial<C>): {
    (): Partial<C>
    <K extends keyof C>(key: K, factory: IoCFactory<C, K>): Partial<C>
    (factories: Partial<IoCFactoryMap<C>>): Partial<C>
    <T>(factory: (deps?: Partial<C>) => T): T


although this library is written in TypeScript, it may also be imported into plain JavaScript code: modern code editors will still benefit from the available type definition, e.g. for helpful code completion.


Copyright 2018 Stéphane M. Catala

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and Limitations under the License.