
Settings dialog in Bootstrap 4 and framework to handle the German and EU law (may 2020) about cookies in a website

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import bootstrapCookieConsentSettings from '';



A modal dialog (cookie banner) and framework to handle the German and EU law (as written by EuGH, 1.10.2019 – C-673/17) about cookies in a website. Based on Bootstrap 4.



Initialize the cookie consent framework with the constructor

var cookieSettings = new BootstrapCookieConsent(props)

You may configure the framework with the props object. The default configuration is

this.props = {
    autoShowDialog: true, // disable autoShowModal on the privacy policy and legal notice pages, to make these pages readable
    lang: navigator.language, // the language, in which the modal is shown
    languages: ["en", "de"], // supported languages (in ./content/), defaults to first in array
    contentURL: "./content", // this URL must contain the dialogs content in the needed languages
    cookieName: "cookie-consent-settings",  // the name of the cookie in which the configuration is stored as JSON
    cookieStorageDays: 365, // the duration the cookie configuration is stored on the client
    postSelectionCallback: undefined // callback function, called after the user has made his selection

Show dialog again

On a new visit the dialog is shown automatically. For reconfiguration show the Dialog again with


Read the settings in JavaScript

Read all cookie settings with


It should return some JSON like


or undefined, before the user has choosen his cookie options.

Read a specific cookie setting with


for the analyses cookie settings. Also returns undefined, before the user has choosen his cookie options.

Read the settings with a PHP script on the server

You can read the settings with all server languages, you just have to read the cookie and decode the JSON.

This is an PHP example how to read, if 'analyses' was allowed.

$consentCookieJson = @$_COOKIE['cookie-consent-settings'];
if ($consentCookieJson) {
    $consentCookie = json_decode($consentCookieJson);
    if($consentCookie && $consentCookie->analyses) {
        // do analysing things here