
This module is a demo page which includes the aac wrapper with some parameterized options available to the user to: * change the environment endpoints * set the minimum level of validation * some prefilled parameters which allow the user

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import bpAddressAutoCompleteDemoExternal from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/bp-address-auto-complete-demo-external';




This module is a demo page which includes the aac wrapper with some parameterized options available to the user to: * change the environment endpoints * set the minimum level of validation * some prefilled parameters which allow the user to fill in the search bar with prefilled values.


Simply deploy the module on a web server or on a local static server as described below using grunt to launch the page localhost.


You may download the latest release with the full code from all three modules from github or you may run npm install bp-address-auto-complete-demo-page-external.

Setup development environment and deployment via grunt

  1. Install node and npm
  2. Install Grunt running npm install -g grunt-cli
  3. Install Bower running npm install -g bower
  4. Install local environment on bp-address-auto-complete, bp-address-auto-complete-wrapper and bp-address-auto-complete-demo-page-extern modules as follows:
    On command prompt cd to the current directory of each module and run npm install --save-dev package_name where package_name will be the following:
    grunt@0.4.1, load-grunt-tasks@0.2.0, grunt-angular-templates@0.5.7, grunt-available-tasks@0.4.2, grunt-bower-task@0.3.4, grunt-browser-sync@0.9.1, grunt-contrib-clean@0.5.0, grunt-contrib-concat@0.3.0, grunt-contrib-connect@0.5.0, grunt-contrib-copy@0.4.1, grunt-contrib-cssmin@0.7.0, grunt-contrib-jshint@0.7.2, grunt-contrib-uglify@0.2.7, grunt-contrib-watch@0.5.3, grunt-eslint@14.0.0, grunt-newer@0.6.0, grunt-ngmin@0.0.3, grunt-usemin@2.0.0, grunt-wiredep@1.7.0.

Package for Deployment

This concerns the modules bp-address-auto-complete, bp-address-auto-complete-wrapper

  • On command prompt cd to the current directory of the module
  • Run grunt package to package your static assets for deployment.
  • Your package will be generated in a dist folder and your javascripts and stylesheets will be concatenated, minified and versionned.
  • grunt : launches grunt package. Use this task for continuous integration.
    When the grunt will be launched on bp-address-auto-complete-demo-page-extern module where the static localhost server will be launched, then changes will be automatically distributed on the dist folders of that module.


This concerns the module bp-address-auto-complete-demo-page-extern

  • On command prompt cd to the current directory of the module bp-address-auto-complete-demo-page-extern
  • Run grunt to start a static web server and open your browser Live
  • jshint and/or csslint will be running on your files when they change.
  • With every change done on the other modules bp-address-auto-complete and bp-address-auto-complete-wrapper and running grunt on these modules, the changes are automatically distributed on the corresponding vendor folders of the bp-address-auto-complete-demo-page-extern module.


We welcome contributions.

Note that on Windows for tests to pass you need to configure Git before cloning:

git config --global core.autocrlf input



Copyright (c) 2016 Bpost and other contributors

Licensed under the MIT License