BPMN Visualization
is a TypeScript library for visualizing process execution data on BPMN diagrams with:
- additional display options for execution data (highlight some transitions, counters, and more)
- interactive capacities (mouse hover, click)
🎮 Demo and examples
Please check the ⏩ live environment.
You will find there basic usage as well as detailed examples showing possible rendering customizations.
🎨 Features
The bpmn-visualization
is in early development stage and is subject to change prior to the 1.0.0
Already available features:
- Supported BPMN Elements.
- Navigate through the BPMN diagram
- Display options for execution data with interactive capacities
Planned features:
- Library extension points
🌏 Browsers Support
We do our best to support recent versions of major browsers
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- Internet Explorer and Legacy Edge will never be supported.
- Chromium based browsers should work (automatic tests are run with Chromium canary releases). In particular, the following
browsers are known working with
:- Brave 1.22.70
- Chromium 89.0.4389.114
- Opera 75.0.3969.93
- The library may work with the other browsers. They must at least support ES6.
♻️ Usage
The library is available from NPM.
We support various module formats such as:
- ESM:
- CommonJS:
📌 Project usage
- Install the dependency in your package.json file:
npm i bpmn-visualization
import { BpmnVisualization } from 'bpmn-visualization';
let bpmnContent; // your BPMN 2.0 XML content
// initialize BpmnVisualization and load the diagram
// 'bpmn-container' is the id of the HTMLElement that renders the BPMN Diagram
const bpmnVisualization = new BpmnVisualization({ container: 'bpmn-container' });
You can set the BPMN content using one of the following ways:
- Copy/Paste directly the XML content in a variable
- Load it from an url, like this example
- Load from your computer, like the demo example
💠 Browser usage
- In the HTML page:
- Load
by the recent version) - Define the container that displays the BPMN diagram, here bpmn-container
- Load
<script src="{version}/dist/bpmn-visualization.min.js"></script>
<div id="bpmn-container"></div>
- Put this Javascript snippet within the HTML page
let bpmnContent; // your BPMN 2.0 XML content
// initialize BpmnVisualization and load the diagram
const bpmnVisualization = new bpmnvisu.BpmnVisualization({ container: 'bpmn-container'});
👤 User documentation
The User documentation (with the feature list & the public API) is available in the documentation site.
⚒️ More
💡 Want to know more about bpmn-visualization
usage and extensibility? Have a look at the
⏩ live examples site.
For more technical details and how-to, go to the bpmn-visualization-examples repository.
🔧 Contributing
To contribute to bpmn-visualization
, fork and clone this repository locally and commit your code on a separate branch.
Please write tests for your code before opening a pull-request:
npm run test # run all unit & e2e tests
You can find more detail in our Contributing guide. Participation in this open source project is subject to a Code of Conduct.
✨ A BIG thanks to all our contributors 🙂
📃 License
is released under the Apache 2.0 license.
Copyright © 2020-present, Bonitasoft S.A.
Some BPMN icons used by bpmn-visualization
are derived from existing projects. See the BPMN Support documentation
for more details:
- (Apache-2.0)
- flaticon (freepikcompany license)
- noun project (mainly Creative Commons CCBY 3.0)
⚡ Powered by (demo and examples live environments) (demo and documentation preview environments)