
Browserify transformation to embed files (globs) as JSON as JSON variables using fs-to-json

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import brFsToJson from '';


Browserify transformation to embed files (globs) as JSON as JSON variables

In general you will have the same limitations as with brfs.

Based on fs-to-json.

npm install --save-dev br-fs-to-json


Command line example

browserify -t br-fs-to-json -o dist/bundle.js src/index.js

Code examples

You can use path module and variables __dirname and __filename, example:

var path = require('path')   
fs2json({ input: path.join(__dirname, 'spec', 'support', '**')})
.then(files => {

"Real life" example: packing all handlebars templates in a variable:

const fs2json = require('fs-to-json').fs2json

const templates = {}

fs2json({ input: 'src/templates/**.html' }).then(files => {
  Object.keys(files).forEach(fileName => {
    templates[fileName] = handlebars.compile(files[fileName].content)

module.exports = function renderTemplate(templateFile, context) {
  return templates[templateFile](context)

TypeScript example:

import { fs2json } from 'fs-to-json'

export interface ExampleFile {
  fileName: string
  content: string
  isBinary: boolean

let examples: ExampleFile[]

  input: 'dist/src/examples/**/*',
  formatted: true,
  filenamePropertyName: 'fileName',
  contentPropertyName: 'content',
  outputStyle: 'array'
}).then((files: any) => {
  examples = files
  examples.forEach(file => { // fix the names
    file.fileName = file.fileName.substring('dist/src/examples/'.length, file.fileName.length)

export function getFiles(): ExampleFile[] {
  return examples

Captchas / TIPS

  • async won't work

  • Make sure you only call fs2json once! Each time you make the call, the files will get embedded again in your code!

  • Don't be too inventive. use simple expressions like above's :

    • Use only one then() - don't use catch()
    • pass a plain configuration object - don't use funcions to calculate properties
    • transformFileName property won't work - modify file names in the client side
  • Isolate this code in its own file containing only these code and getters for the embedded data, nothing more.

  • Asynchronous call: asynchronous call is not adequate for this but fs-to-json doesn't support a synchronous call, yet. However, you can be sure that the then() handler will be called synchronously, so you assign the result in a variable in the handler and can access it right away in the next statement.

The same limitations as with brfs. Only supports staticable analizable expressions.

Examples that won't work:

doesn't work and will generate a very big file including fs2json ! don't do it!

var pattern = 'spec/support/*' 
fs2json({ input: pattern }).then(files => {

The following will work but will generate a very big file including fs2json ! don't do it!

fs2json({ input: require('path').join(__dirname, 'spec', 'support', '**') }).then(files => {


  • override config.output so i
  • test with await