
Download movie subtitles which work flawlessly with Sony Bravia TVs

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import braviaSubtitles from '';



My Sony Bravia KDL TV had issues when working with (polish) subtitles downloaded from opensubtitles, which were usually encoded with windows-1250 encoding, and had additional subrip/microDVD text formatting information. It only seemed reasonable to write a nodejs util to make it work properly.


bsub [options] <file>

Available options

  • --lang <lang> - specify subtitles language to search from (eng|pol|...) (defaults to eng) available languages
  • --count <number> - how many of the available subtitles should be downloaded (defaults to 5)


bsub --lang pol --count 2 The.Knick.S02E01.HDTV.x264-KILLERS[ettv].mp4 will download 2 top first subtitle files matched for the file

How it works

  • download subtitles with the neat subtitler
  • change the encoding to utf-8 with iconv
  • remove all the crap which is badly handled