
Utility functions for dealing with grid reference systems used in the British Isles.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import brcAtlasBigr from '';


British Isles Grid Reference library

The British Isles Grid Reference (bigr) library is a Javascript library for working with British, Irish or Channel Island grid references.

British grid references are those associated with reference system known as 'OSGB 1936 / British National Grid' (epsg:27700). Irish grid references are those associated with the reference sytem known as 'TM75 / Irish Grid' (epsg:29903). Channel Island grid references are derived from the UTM grid - 'WGS 84 / UTM zone 30N' using a shorthand method whereby the leading '30U' prefix is removed. This gives grid references for the Channel Islands with prefixes of 'WA' or 'WV'.


The bigr library is an NPM package and can be installed with NPM in the usual way, e.g:

npm install brc-atlas-bigr

Alternatively you can get the javscript builds from the GitHub repo or include them in code directly from a CDN, e.g:

<script src=""></script>

API documentation and code examples

For details of the API, view the JSDoc API documentation.

There are also a number of working examples.