
A linting module to enforce Brinkbit's es6 javascript style.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import brinkbitStyleEs6 from '';


Deprecated in favor of


A linting module to enforce Brinkbit's es6 javascript style. The style is based on Airbnb's es6 javascript style and is outlined here.

Getting Started

Adding the brinkbit es6 style enforcement to your project is as easy as

$ npm install --save-dev brinkbit-style-es6

That's all you should need!

If you use the atom text editor, I highly recommend using the linter and linter-eslint packages. These will highlight linting errors for you in your text editor right out of the box.



  1. Node.js 4 or higher & npm - download here
  2. gulp - $ npm install -g gulp

Build and test steps

  1. Fork and clone the repo
  2. $ npm install
  3. $ gulp

Obviously contributions need to match the brinkbit es6 style. Additionally, commit messages should adhere to this format.