
Compress images to Base64 Data URIs in variables and output to SCSS file

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import broccoliSassImageCompiler from '';



MIT License

This is a broccoli library for processing image files and creating SASS variables with Data URIs in them.


  1. file names must make good SASS variable names. Names like "my awesome image.gif" will not work because of the spaces.
  2. file names don't need the $ prefix.
  3. file names should be unique regardless of folder depth. This script is "dumb" and just uses the file name.
  4. Do a little dance.
  5. Make a little love.
  6. Get down tonight.


In your Brocfile.js:

var sassImageCompiler = require('broccoli-sass-image-compiler');

var imageTree = sassImageCompiler('/some_dir', {
    inputFiles: [
        '**/*.png', // all png files
        'someFile.svg' // specific svg file

    // specify the output file you want created
    outputFile: '/compiled-images.scss',

    // whether or not to output an icon class
    // defaults to true
    icon: true,

    // whether or not to output width and height variables, required for icon class.
    // defaults to true
    size: true, 

    // name for parent class of icon class output (i.e "icon" in `.icon.image_name`)
    // defaults to "icon"
    iconClass: 'icon'

Then in your SASS

@import 'path/to/compiled-images';

.custom-class {
    background-image: url($someFile); // derived from 'someFile.svg'

.other-class {
    background-image: url($icon_16x16); // if you had a file named "whatever/icon_16x16.png"

Output from this tool includes:

  • $filename : the data URI variable with the base64 encoded image in it.
  • $filename_width : the width of the image
  • $filename_height : the height of the image
  • .icon.filename : classes that, when applied can be used as an icon for the image file. <div class="icon filename"></div>