
Combine nodes yielding a transform node made up of files belonging to one and only one of the input nodes.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import broccoliTreeDifference from '';



Combine nodes yielding a transform node made up of files belonging to one and only one of the input nodes.


npm install --save-dev broccoli-tree-difference


var TreeDifference = require('broccoli-tree-difference');

var difference = new TreeDifference(inputNodes, options);
  • inputNodes: An array of nodes, whose contents will be merged

  • options: A hash of options


  • annotation: A note to help tell multiple plugin instances apart.


If this is your Brocfile.js:

var TreeDifference = require('broccoli-tree-difference');
vat Funnel = require('broccoli-funnel');

module.exports = new TreeDifference(['public', new Funnel('public', { srcDir: 'images', destDir: 'images' })]);

And your project contains these files:

├─ public
│  ├─ index.html
│  └─ images
│     └─ logo.png

Then running broccoli build the-output will generate this folder:

└─ index.html

This is a pretty pedantic example, but here we're taking the difference of a tree and one of its subtrees.


Clone this repo and run the tests like so:

npm install
npm test

Issues and pull requests are welcome. If you change code, be sure to re-run npm test. Oftentimes it's useful to add or update tests as well.