
Broker: session manager + data broker, using mySql databases

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import brokerize from '';



brokerize is a Node.js broker using MySql databases. A broker is composed by a session manager and a data exchange module with the front end. It uses a structure of 3 databases:

  • admin database for connection and user credentials. A user belongs to a company and have some rights defined.
  • modele database for readbale data to store static data about your application
  • user data where is stored user and company data.

How does it wok

You should first activate session management, using 'exress-session' middleware.

Brokerize is to be used as an express.js middleware. The entry point of the broker is the admin database, defined by a treble object db3 below.

Then the broker is mounted on a specified path. Admin database is managed by the broker. In the config method you should give the path where to find modle and user schemas to access to modele and user data.

Once signed in, the user will have access to a modele database (for reading) and a user database (read/write), depending on his company. Admin database has there tables like companies, databases and modeles to give this information. A user belongs to a company but can have access to an other company data indicated in the userCompanies data.

var express = require('express');
var expressSession = require('express-session');
var app = express();
var Brokerize = require("Brokerize");
var Sequelize = require("sequelize");
var db3 = require("treble")(Sequelize,'mysql://user:password@host:port/database');

app.use( expressSession({secret:'mySecretKey', cookie: { maxAge: 600000 }, resave:false, saveUninitialized:true}) );

app.use( "/broker", Brokerize(db3).config({schemas:__dirname+"/schemas/"}) );

The broker now can be accessed by using HTTP request:

  • POST /broker/signin : opens a session in the broker. credentials are sent as a JSON object in the body of the request. It returns a json object in the form of {err:number, msg:text}
  • GET /broker/signout : close the current session
  • GET /broker/guard returns the login of the used currently signin or null if no-user connected.
  • GET /broker/sess returns an object containing information about the user connected, his company and the companies he can have access to..
  • POST /broker/chgPw to change the user's password
  • GET /lang/[fr|en] : change the broker language, error messages,.. currently french and english supported. fr is the default value
  • POST /broker/schema : to obtain information a table structure in the modele and user databases
  • POST /broker/missed : gives a key/hash couple for email reset.These key/hash serve to form an url to send by email that will serve once.
  • POST /broker/reset : reset a user password without being logged (missed password) given (key,hash) values and a new password.

Data manipulation

You schould define schemas for the user data and modele data. Data manipulation is done using the [mountedpath]/d url (/broker/d in the example above). The verbs used are GET, POST and DELETE.

Read data from a table GET /d


GET /broker/d?c=company&d=db&s=schema&o=options


GET /broker/d?s=schema&count=y&o=options

Update a record POST /d


POST /broker/d {post:{c:company, s:schema, k:key, v:value}}

Add a record POST /d


POST /broker/d {post:{c:company, s:schema, v:value}}

Delete a record DELETE /d


DELETE /broker/d {post:{c:company, d:db, s:schema, k:key}}