
Convert and manipulate image on JS in browser. Fluent interface based, at end returning promise.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import browserImageManipulation from '';



Convert and manipulate image on JS in browser. Fluent interface based, at end returning promise.


npm install browser-image-manipulation --save


Open (see in /examples)


Load image in formats:

  • blob (optional, with image orientation detect and correct rotate)
  • canvas



  • rotate
  • crop
  • crop to circle with resize
  • crop to square with resize
  • resize by max height/max width (used pica for correct resize image)
  • resize to fit in rectangle (proportion saved, empty space filled by color)
  • perspective (change perspective of image)


  • draw line
  • draw polygon
  • draw rectangle
  • draw text

Output formats:

  • blob
  • canvas
  • base64 image


  • get exif (only for blob)


One format:

import BrowserImageManipulation from 'browser-image-manipulation'

new BrowserImageManipulation()
   .loadBlob([0], {
       fixOrientation: true // about problem:
   .then(base64 => {
      alert('Blured done!')
   .catch(e => alert(e.toString()))

Multi format:

import BrowserImageManipulation from 'browser-image-manipulation'

let picaOptions = {} // optional, see pica options
let iM = new BrowserImageManipulation()
            .toCircle(300, {pica: picaOptions})
iM.saveAsBlob().then(blob => {
    if (blob.size > 3000000) {
        return new Error('Max size 3 mb')
    // uploadToServer(blob, 'my circle black and white image')
    return iM.saveAsImage()
}).then(base64 => {
    document.getElementByTag('img')[0].src = base64
}).catch(e => alert(e.toString()))

Fluent interface:

new BrowserImageManipulation()
    .then(base64 => {
        document.getElementById('exampleFluentImg').src = base64
    }).catch(e => alert(e.toString()))

Increase performance


Use wasm features in resize methods:

new BrowserImageManipulation()
    .toCircle(400, {
        picaInit: {
            features: ['js', 'wasm'] // <--- set features
new BrowserImageManipulation()
    .resize(400, 400, {
        picaInit: {
            features: ['js', 'wasm'] // <--- set features
// ...and etc resize methods    

But if use UglifyJs/TerserJS set in compress evaluate to false

compress: {
  evaluate: false

Without that, you can see error like:

Uncaught ReferenceError: e is not defined
    at t (217c2170-1eb8-41b8-b91c-c3d57f706ea9:1)

Ie 11 support

For work in ie 11 you need some polyfils from core-js

import 'core-js/modules/es.object.assign'
import 'core-js/modules/es.promise'
import 'core-js/modules/es.array.iterator'

In the versions below, the work was not tested. Perhaps everything will work if you add polyfills and use only js features:

.resize(400, 400, {
        picaInit: {
            features: ['js'] // <--- only js feature