Browser build of nano driver for CouchDB. Direct nano build with browserify lends 1MB+
file after minification, broser-nano offers 125KB
version (77KB
for light).
Available with npm and bower
npm install browser-nano
bower install browser-nano
's version corresponds to nano
's version (in alpha for the moment)
Distribution (full vs light)
doesn't support follow
and followUpdates
methods but offers 100KB of size decrease in return.
Refer to original documentation
Differences and Specificity
To include browser-nano to your web page add following tag:
<script src="browser-nano.light.min.js"></script>
that will populate global scope with nano
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
Unlike NodeJs nano version, we often deal with cross-domain, cross-port, cross-protocol requests in browser. To enable CORS:
var couch = nano({
url: '',
cors: true
This will tell browser-nano to attach credential headers (CouchDB's AuthSession
cookie) to each request.
Note. CORS and cookie authentication should be enabled in CouchDB config:
allow_persistent_cookies = true
require_valid_user = true
enable_cors = true
credentials = true
origins = *
HTTP Basic Authorization
To perform requests with basic auth information:
var couch = nano('');
var couch = nano({url: ''});
OPTIONS Preflight Request
CouchDB with enabled basic auth and session cookie has peculiarity to require valid user (basic auth headers) when accessing session endpoint which actually initiates new session for specified user name
and password
Once again, you required to provide basic auth headers to post auth information (form fields) to get a session cookie.
On the server-side situation could be handled with:
require('request').post('', {form: {
name: login,
password: password
}}, function (err, response) {
// parse AuthSession cookie from response
But can't be handled from browser if session endpoint is CORS to your current location. Because of OPTIONS preflight request which doesn't pass any credentials for security reasons.
The Workaround
Is to proxy session endpoint request from a server-side using technique above and pass parsed cookie down to the browser. Just don't forget to toss in Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
header along with Set-Cookie: AuthSession=....
for cookie you've got.
Self-Signed SSL Certificate Issue
When using CouchDB through HTTPS protocol with self-signed certificate need to manually accept it first. This could be done by accessing Couch's web admin-console on https-port manually. Otherwise, will get 'Invalid certificate error', 'NET::ERR_CERT_INVALID' or something similar, depends on browser.