
break down and analyze browserify/browser-pack bundles

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import browserifyBreakdown from '';



break down and analyze browserify/browser-pack bundles

npm Build Status Dependency Status devDependency Status



browserify main.js > bundle.js
browserify-breakdown < bundle.js

Prints a breakdown of the browser-pack bundle with individual module size and total module size. If the bundle is being created using browserify, the flag --full-paths / option fullPaths may be specified to include module paths in the output instead of integer IDs.


var breakdown = require('browserify-breakdown')


Returns a breakdown of the browser-pack bundle. The returned result is the result of walking through the dependency graph of the bundle with circular dependencies broken.

Each node in the returned result has the following properties:

  • id: The module id.
  • size: The module size, in UTF-8 bytes
  • totalSize: The totalled size of the module and its dependencies, excluding circular and repeated dependencies.
  • deps: An array of the module's dependencies.

The top-level node is a dummy node representing the whole bundle with id=0 and size=0.


The core breakdown function. Useful if you want more information about the nodes in the graph.

Returns an object with the properties:

  • info: Raw information about a module in module-deps format.
  • graph: An adjacency matrix of the initial dependency graph, a directed graph. Entry modules are dependencies of the dummy node entry:. Nodes are simply module IDs.
  • result: Same as the output of the breakdown function. The dummy node entry: is stripped.
  • isolatedNodes: An array with all the isolated modules. Normally, all modules should be a descendant of an entry module or an entry module itself, so this should be empty if that's the case.


I created this module as a lower-level alternative to disc, which for some reason always breaks whenever I try to use it. I cannot find any other analyzer for browserify, too. So I intend this to be something a bit better than disc.

  • Plain CLI output via archy (the same thing used by npm ls)
  • What-you-passed-it-is-what-you-get. If you passed browserify --full-paths input, that's fine. If your module IDs are integers, that's fine too... you'll see the integers being used as module IDs. 😜
  • Low-level. Can be easily included into a bigger project that can e.g. provide the same visualization disc does, and possibly more.
  • Hopefully better maintained, or at least maintained as well as the lower-level browserify modules (module-deps, browser-pack, browser-unpack).