
A tool for configuring complicated applications with Browserify

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import browserifyBuilder from '';



This is a configuration tool for building multiple Browserify bundles in parallel with caching using browserify-incremental


let config = require('./builder.config.js');
let createBuilder = require('browserify-builder');
let builder = createBuilder(config);

createBuilder api

  • createBuilder(config, done)
    • Creates a builder object that can build the bundles configured in config.
    • Can be passed a done function that will be called when bundling is finished

Builder api

  • buildAll()
    • Builds all bundles
  • buildMulti(targets)
    • Builds all bundles named in targets array
  • buildSingle(target)
    • Builds bundle named in target argument


The config object should be serializable.


  • cache
    • Relative path to folder where browserify-incremental cache will be stored
    • Default: false
  • parallel
    • Number of processes to run in parallel when building bundles. Setting to false will run serially
    • Default: false
  • watch
    • Use watchify to watch for changes in bundles
    • Default: false
  • watchOptions
    • Watchify options
    • Default: null
  • options
    • Browserify options passed to each bundle. Can be overriden by options set on specific bundles
    • Default: null
  • outputFilePattern
    • Relative path and file name for output bundles. The string [name] will be replaced with the bundle name
    • Default: '[name].js'
  • apps
    • Map of regular bundles to create
      • Options
        • entry
          • The path to the entry file for the bundle
          • Default: none, this is required
        • options
          • Browserify options for this bundle
        • exclude
          • Modules to exclude from bundle.
          • Default: all modules included by bundles specified in shared bundles
      • The property name is the name of the bundle
    • Default: {}
  • shared
    • Map of shared bundles to create. These bundles can be collections of included modules.
    • Options
      • entry
        • The path to the entry file for the bundle
        • Default: null (not required for shared bundles)
      • options
        • Browserify options for this bundle
        • Default: {}
      • include
        • An array of modules to include in the bundle (uses Browserify's require option)
        • Default: []
      • exclude
        • An array of modules to exclude from the bundle (uses Browserify's external option)
        • Default: []
    • The property name is the name of the bundle
    • By default, any modules included in shared bundles will be excluded from app bundles
  • transforms
    • An array of Browserify transforms. This should really only be used for global transforms. Otherwise, use package.json
    • Options
      • name
        • Name of the transform to be used
      • type
        • If the transform needs to be called as a function, set this to be 'function' (e.g. for using envify/custom)
        • Default: null
      • params
        • Array of params to pass if type is set to function
        • Default: []
      • options
        • Options passed to Browserify for the transform (e.g. you can pass an object with global set to true)
        • Default: {}
  • plugins
    • An array of Browserify plugins
      • Options
        • name
          • Name of the plugin
        • options
          • Options for the plugin
      • This should be serializable.
  • uglify
    • Options to pass to uglify. If this is set to an object, all bundles will be minified.
    • Default null