
Bucklescript OCaml JSON Decoder & Encoder ported from Elm.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import bsOakJson from '';


Bucklescript OCaml JSON Decoder & Encoder ported from Elm.

bs-jsonx is intended to be used with the Bucklescript OCaml syntax. Although this package is fully compatible with the ReasonML by nature, the additional parentheses and other syntax required by ReasonML may make the functions in this package awkward to use.

Getting Started


npm i bs-jsonx

Example Usage

open BsJsonx.Decode

let json = {| 
    { "first_name": "john", 
      "last_name": "doe", 
      "age": 29,
      "is_tall" : true,
|} in

let new_person first last age is_tall =
    (first, last, age, is_tall)

decode_string (
    succeed new_person
        |: (field "first" string)
        |: (field "last" string)
        |: (optional (field "age" int))
        |: (field "is_tall" bool)            
) json




Decode a JSON string into a string.

decode_string string {| true |}        == Error ...
decode_string string {| 42 |}          == Error ...
decode_string string {| 3.14 |}        == Error ...
decode_string string {| "hello" |}     == Ok "hello"
decode_string string {| "hello": 42 |} == Error ...


Decode a JSON boolean into a boolean.

decode_string bool {| true |}        == Ok true
decode_string bool {| 42 |}          == Error ...
decode_string bool {| 3.14 |}        == Error ...
decode_string bool {| "hello" |}     == Error ...
decode_string bool {| "hello": 42 |} == Error ...


Decode a JSON number into an int.

decode_string int {| true |}        == Error ...
decode_string int {| 42 |}          == Ok 42
decode_string int {| 3.14 |}        == Error ...
decode_string int {| "hello" |}     == Error ...
decode_string int {| "hello": 42 |} == Error ...


Decode a JSON number into a float.

decode_string float {| true |}        == Error ...
decode_string float {| 42 |}          == Ok 42.0
decode_string float {| 3.14 |}        == Ok 3.14
decode_string float {| "hello" |}     == Error ...
decode_string float {| "hello": 42 |} == Error ...


Do not do anything with a JSON value, just bring in as a Value. This can be useful if you have particularly crazy data that you would like to deal with later. Or if you are going to send it out a port and do not care about its structure.

decode_string value {| true |}        == Ok value

Data Structures


Decode a nullable JSON value into an option.

decodeString (nullable int) {| 13 |}    == Ok (Some 13)
decodeString (nullable int) {| 42 |}    == Ok (Some 42)
decodeString (nullable int) {| null |}  == Ok None
decodeString (nullable int) {| true |}  == Err ..


Decode a JSON array into a list.

decode_string (list int) {| [1,2,3] |}       == Ok [1; 2; 3]
decode_string (list bool) {| [true,false] |} == Ok [true; false]


Decode a JSON array into an array.

decode_string (array int) {| [1,2,3] |}       == Ok [| 1; 2; 3 |]
decode_string (array bool) {| [true,false] |} == Ok [| true; false |]


Decode a JSON object into a Dict.

decode_string (dict int) {| { "alice": 42, "bob": 99 } |} 
    == Ok Dict


Decode a JSON object into a list of pairs.

decode_string (key_value_pairs int) {| { "alice": 42, "bob": 99 } |}  
    == Ok [("alice", 42); ("bob", 99)]

Object Primitives


Decode a JSON object, requiring a particular field.

decode_string (field "x" int) {| { "x": 3 } |}             == Ok 3
decode_string (field "x" int) {| { "x": 3, "y": 4 } |}     == Ok 3
decode_string (field "x" int) {| { "x": true } |}          == Error ...
decode_string (field "x" int) {| { "y": 4 } |}             == Error ...

The object can have other fields. Lots of them! The only thing this decoder cares about is if x is present and that the value there is an int.

Check out map2 & |: to see how to decode multiple fields!


Decode a nested JSON object, requiring certain fields.

let json = {| { "person": { "name": "tom", "age": 42 } } |} in

decode_string (at ["person"; "name"] string) json  == Ok "tom"
decode_string (at ["person"; "age"] int) json  == Ok 42

This is really just a shorthand for saying things like:

field "person" (field "name" string) == at ["person","name"] string


Decode a JSON array, requiring a particular index.

let json = {| [ "alice", "bob", "chuck" ] |} in

decode_string (index 0 string) json  == Ok "alice"
decode_string (index 1 string) json  == Ok "bob"
decode_string (index 2 string) json  == Ok "chuck"
decode_string (index 3 string) json  == Error ...

Inconsistent Structure


Helpful for dealing with optional fields. Here are a few slightly different examples:

let json = {| { "person": { "name": "tom", "age": 41 } } |} in

decode_string (optional (field "age" int)) json == Ok (Some 41)
decode_string (optional (field "name" int)) json == Ok None
decode_string (optional (field "height" float)) json == Ok None

decode_string (field "age" (optional int)) json == Ok (Some 41)
decode_string (field "name" (optional int)) json == Ok None
decode_string (field "height"(optional float)) json == Error...

Notice the last example! It is saying we must have a field named height and the content may be a float. There is no height field, so the decoder fails.

Point is, optional will make exactly what it contains conditional. For optional fields, this means you probably want it outside a use of field or at.


Try a bunch of different decoders. This can be useful if the JSON may come in a couple different formats. For example, say you want to read an array of numbers, but some of them are null.

let bad_int = one_of [ int, null 0 ] in

decode_string (list bad_int) {| [1,2,null,4] |} == Ok [1,2,0,4]

Run Decoders


Parse the given string into a JSON value and then run the decoder on it. This will fail if the string is not well-formed JSON or if the decoder fails for some reason.

decode_string int {| 4 |}       == Ok 4
decode_string int {| "hello" |} == Error ...


Run a decoder on some JSON Value.



Transform a decoder. Maybe you want to transform a value into an OCaml option:

let to_some x = Some x in

decode_string (map to_some int) {| 4 |} == Ok (Some 4)


Try two decoders and then combine the result. We can use this to decode objects with many fields:

let json = {| { "x": 2, "y": 5 } |} in
let point x y = (x, y) in
let decoder =
    map2 point
        |> field "x" float
        |> field "y" float
decode_string decoder json == Ok (2, 5)

It tries each individual decoder and puts the result together with the pointconstructor.

map3 to map8 functional in the same manner as map2, with each function accepting an incremental number of decoders as arguments. For example, the map5 function can accept 5 decoder arguments:

let address num str city state contry = 
    (num, str, city, state, country) 

let decoder =
        map5 address
            |> field "street_number" int
            |> field "street" string
            |> field "city" string
            |> field "state" string
            |> field "country" string                                


In addition to use a mapN function, and_map provides a clean way to map multiple decoders to a function:

let json = {| { "x": 2, "y": 5, "z": 9 } |} in
    let vector x y z = (x, y, z) in
    let decoder =
        succeed vector
            |> and_map (field "x" float)
            |> and_map (field "y" float)
            |> and_map (field "z" float)                
    decode_string decoder json == Ok (2, 5, 9)

|: is an infix shorthand for and_map

let decoder =
    succeed vector
        |: (field "x" float)
        |: (field "y" float)
        |: (field "z" float)                

Fancy Decoding


Decode a null value into a value.

decode_string (null false) {| null |}        == Ok false
decode_string (null 42) {| null |}           == Ok 42
decode_string (null 42) {| 42 |}             == Error ...
decode_string (null 42) {| false |}          == Error ...    


Ignore the JSON and produce a certain value.

decode_string (succeed 42) {| true |}    == Ok 42
decode_string (succeed 42) {| [1,2,3] |} == Ok 42
decode_string (succeed 42) {| hello |}   == Error ... -- this is not a valid JSON string


Ignore the JSON and make the decoder fail. This is handy when used with one_ofor and_then where you want to give a custom error message in some case.

decode_string (fail "my message") {| true |} == Error "my message"


Create decoders that depend on previous results. If you are creating versioned data, you might do something like this:

let info_help version =
  match version with
    | 4 -> info_decoder4
    | 3 -> info_decoder3
    | _ -> fail "Trying to decode info, but version not supported"

field "version" int
   |> and_then info_help



Encode values into a JSON string.

open BsJsonx.Encode

encode 0
        [  ("name", string "John Doe")
        ;  ("age", int 41)    
        ;  ("height", float 183.4)    
        ;  ("has_hair", bool true)
        ;  ("parent_id", null)
        ;  ("pets", array  
                [| string "fluffy"
                ;  string "zoomer"
                ;  string "oscar" 
        ;  ("fav_colors", list  
                [ string "red"
                ; string "white" 
# => {"name":"John Doe","age":41,"height":183.4,"has_hair":true,"parent_id":null,"pets":["fluffy","zoomer","oscar"],"fav_colors":["red","white"]}


type  value    
val  encode : int -> value -> string
val  string : string -> value
val  int : int -> value
val  float : float -> value
val  bool : bool -> value
val  null : value
val  array : value array  -> value
val  list : value list  -> value
val  object' : (string * value)  list  -> value


Jsonx is a port of the Json.Decode & Json.Encode packages from the Elm Core package. Thanks to Evan Czaplicki for all of his hard work.


Copyright (c) 2018-present Erik Lott

Licensed under MIT License