An binary diff and patch library based on bsdiff algorithm for NodeJS (Windows, Mac, Linux)
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Install as a dependency for your project (need python 2.x):
npm install --save bsdiff-nodejs
const bsdiff = require('bsdiff-nodejs');
bsdiff.diff(oldFile, newFile, patchFile, function(result, err) {}); // Async
bsdiff.patch(oldfile, newfile, patchfile, function(result, err) {}); // Async
bsdiff.diffSync(oldFile, newFile, patchFile); // Sync
bsdiff.patchSync(oldfile, newfile, patchfile); // Sync
For example:
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const oldFile = path.join(__dirname, 'resources/');
const newFile = path.join(__dirname, 'resources/');
const patchFile = path.join(__dirname, 'resources/react.patch');
const generatedFile = path.join(__dirname, 'resources/');
async function asyncCall() {
await bsdiff.diff(oldFile, newFile, patchFile, function (result) {
console.log('diff:' + String(result).padStart(4) + '%');
await bsdiff.patch(oldFile, generatedFile, patchFile, function (result) {
console.log('patch:' + String(result).padStart(4) + '%');
The original algorithm and implementation was developed by Colin Percival. The algorithm is detailed in his paper, Naïve Differences of Executable Code. For more information, visit his website at
Copyright 2003-2005 Colin Percival
MIT © Exoway