
Client for interacting with Bigtincan Hub JavaScript Bridge 3.0

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import btcaClient from '';



BTCA Client library. See JavaScript Bridge 3.0 documentation for available actions.


npm install btca-client --save

You can now import btca-client and optionally include a CSS reset.

import BTCAClient from 'btca-client';

import 'btca-client/css/btca.css';

You can also use the standalone UMD build via CDN.

<script src=""></script>

<link href="" rel="stylesheet">


Initialise a new instance of the BTCAClient.

var BTCA = new BTCAClient({
  handle: 'MY_BTCA',      // unqiue handle to identify BTCA
  cache: false,           // caches requests (useful for debugging)
  disableEvents: false,   // disables default events (see below)
  log: false              // logs actions to console

Send Request

There are various ways to perform a JSBridge request.

// define your JSBridge action
var data = {
  action: 'getEntity',
  params: {
    entityName: 'story',
    id: 123

// send with anonymous callback
BTCA.send(data, function(result, requestId, error) {

// send with callback reference
BTCA.send(data, handleRequestResponse);

// send with btcjsapi:// schema and named jsListener callback

Disabling Default Events

By default, JSBridge actions are bound to various anchor click events. If you'd like to disable this and handle it yourself you may set disableEvents: true when initialising.

  • Anchor tags with mailto: are parsed and will send a sendMail action.
  • Anchor tags with an absolute URL or rel=app are treated as Hub links and will send an openURL action.
  • Anchor tags with an http(s) link or rel=external are treated as external links and will send an openURL action.
  • Anchor tags with btcjsapi:// will send the specified action.