
npm i -save bu-better-underscore

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import buBetterUnderscore from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/bu-better-underscore';




npm i -save bu-better-underscore

const b_ = require('bu-better-underscore');




b_([1, 2, 3]).map(num => num * 2)

b_.addPrototype(); [1, 2, 3].map(num => num * 2)

b_.map(num => num * 2)([1, 2, 3])

Reads left to right and 1 less parameter

undrescore provides static methods that take in as a parameter the very object they are operating on.

const _ = require('underscore')

let list = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4];
let notZero = num => num !== 0;
let inverse = num => 1 / num;

_.map(_.filter(list, notZero), inverse); 

bu-better-underscore, on the other hand, allows invoking methods directly on the object.

const b_ = require('bu-better-underscore');

let list = b_([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]);
let notZero = num => num !== 0;
let inverse = num => 1 / num;


bu-better-underscore can also optionally add the utility methods directly to the object prototype to avoid using b_(value); and .unwrap();


let list = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4];
let notZero = num => num !== 0;
let inverse = num => 1 / num;


Helps create wrapper functions

underscore is overly verbose when working with promises and requires wrapping the handler functions inside other functions.

let promise = Promise.resolve([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
promise.then(list => _.map(list, num => num * 3));

bu-better-underscore, on the other hand, can create the wrapping function for you.

let promise = Promise.resolve([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
promise.then(b_.map(num => num * 3));

Adds utility methods

bu-better-underscore provides additional utility methods.

set(field, func)

sets a property on each element

let students = b_([{name: 'joe', score1: 10, score2: 30}, {name: 'joey', score1: 20, score2: 15}]);
    .set('totalScore', student => Math.max(student.score1, student.score2))
    .set('id', (student, index, students) => `student_${index}_of_${students.length}_${student.name}`);

Results in

      name: 'joe',
      score1: 10,
      score2: 30,
      totalScore: 30,
      id: 'student_0_of_2_joe'
  }, {
      name: 'joey',
      score1: 20,
      score2: 15,
      totalScore: 20,
      id: 'student_1_of_2_joey'


replaces each element with a list containing that element repeated count times

let list = b_([1, 2, 3]);
// [[1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 2], [3, 3, 3]]


return specified field of an object. like pluck but for objects

let list = b_({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3});
// 2


invokes the handler function exactly once

let pickSecond = array => array.length >= 2 && array[1]; 
let list = b_([1, 2, 3]);
// 2

unwrap() & value

returns a javascript array, object, primitive representing the B_ object's value

b_([1, 2, 3]).unwrap() // array: [1, 2, 3]
b_({v: 1}).unwrap() // object {v: 1}
b_(1).unwrap() // primitive 1

b_([1, 2, 3]).value // array: [1, 2, 3]
b_({v: 1}).value // object {v: 1}
b_(1).value // primitive 1


returns length

b_([1, 2, 3]).length // 3


Basic Example


const people = {
    "men": {
        "bio": [
            {'name': 'joe', 'height': 4.5, 'weight': 130},
            {'name': 'bob', 'height': 5.4, 'weight': 97},
            {'name': 'foo', 'height': 5.2, 'weight': 175},
            {'name': 'fatcarl', 'height': 4.8, 'weight': 394}
    }, "women": {
        "bio": [
            {'name': 'jessica', 'height': 14.5, 'weight': 130},
            {'name': 'britny', 'height': 6.1, 'weight': 97},
            {'name': 'foo', 'height': 6.2, 'weight': 175},
            {'name': 'kristy', 'height': 6.3, 'weight': 394},
            {'name': 'kristy2.0', 'height': 6.0, 'weight': 394}

With undrescore

const _ = require('underscore');

let bios = [people.men, people.women];
let ratios = _.map(_.flatten(_.pluck(_.union(bios), 'bio')), person => person.height / person.weight);
let average = _.reduce(ratios, (a, b) => a + b) / ratios.length;

// 0.041472713284006396

With bu-better-underscore

const b_ = require('bu-better-underscore');

let bios = b_([people.men, people.women]);
let ratios = bios.union().pluck('bio').flatten().map(person => person.height / person.weight);
let average = ratios.reduce((a, b) => a + b).value / ratios.length;

// 0.041472713284006396

With bu-better-underscore addPrototype


let bios = [people.men, people.women];
let ratios = bios.union().pluck('bio').flatten().map(person => person.height / person.weight);
let average = ratios.reduce((a, b) => a + b) / ratios.length;

// 0.041472713284006396

Example with Async / Await


A hypothetical git api

let gitApi = {
    getRepos: (user) => new Promise(resolve => {
        if (user === 'johnny')
                'data': [
                    {name: 'kangaroo-app', id: 0},
                    {name: 'hippo-app', id: 11},
                    {name: 'flamingo-app', id: 21}]
        else if (user === 'jacob')
                'data': [
                    {name: 'hippo-app', id: 11},
                    {name: 'elephant-app', id: 111}]

    getPullRequests: repoId => new Promise(resolve => {
        if (repoId === 0)
            resolve({'data': [{title: 'make it blue', number: 1001}]});
        else if (repoId === 11)
            resolve({'data': [{title: 'make it green', number: 502}, {title: 'make it yellow', number: 503}]});
        else if (repoId === 111)
            resolve({'data': [{title: 'make it red', number: 66}]});
            resolve({'data': []});

    getReviews: (repoId, pullRequestNumber) => new Promise(resolve => {
        resolve({'data': repoId === 0 || repoId === 11 && pullRequestNumber === 502 ? [{reviewId: pullRequestNumber * 3 + repoId}] : []});

And this list of users

let users = [
    {name: 'johnny', 'description': 'the boss'},
    {name: 'jacob', 'description': 'bad employee #1'}];

We want to list out all the pull requests pending and indicate which ones have reviews in progress in below format

repo <repo name> : <pull request title> (<pull request number>) inProgress: <true | false>

With underscore

const _ = require('underscore');

let getUnReviewedPullRequests = async (users) => {
                    (await Promise.all(
                            _.pluck(users, 'name')
                            , gitApi.getRepos))),
            repo => repo.id)
        , async repo => {
            _.each((await gitApi.getPullRequests(repo.id)).data, async pullRequest => {
                let inProgress = !!(await gitApi.getReviews(repo.id, pullRequest.number)).data.length;
                console.log(`repo ${repo.name} : ${pullRequest.title} (${pullRequest.number}) inProgress: ${inProgress}`);


With bu-better-underscore

const b_ = require('../src/index');

let getUnReviewedPullRequests = async users => {
    users = b_(users);

        .unique(repo => repo.id)
        .each(async repo => {
            b_(await gitApi.getPullRequests(repo.id))
                .each(async pullRequest => {
                    let inProgress = !!b_(await gitApi.getReviews(repo.id, pullRequest.number))
                    console.log(`repo ${repo.name} : ${pullRequest.title} (${pullRequest.number}) inProgress: ${inProgress}`);


Doesn't underscore's chain address this?

Kind of. Except, underscore lacks methods to operate on entire lists (such as set, field, and asList). This leads to multiple ugly wrapping (chain) and unwrapping (value) in order to switch back and forth between underscore objects and js objects.

const _ = require('underscore');

let getUnReviewedPullRequests = async (users) => {
        await Promise.all(
            _.chain(users) // ugly
                .value())) // ugly
        .unique(repo => repo.id)
        .each(async repo => {
                (await gitApi.getPullRequests(repo.id))
                    .data) // ugly
                .each(async pullRequest => {
                    let inProgress = !!(await gitApi.getReviews(repo.id, pullRequest.number))
                        .data // ugly
                    console.log(`repo ${repo.name} : ${pullRequest.title} (${pullRequest.number}) inProgress: ${inProgress}`);
