
Copy Amazon S3 bucket objects to another bucket.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import bucketCopy from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/bucket-copy';


Bucket Copy

Copy Amazon S3 bucket objects to another bucket.


npm install bucket-copy --save


var BucketCopy = require('bucket-copy');
var bucketCopy = BucketCopy.connect({
  key: 's3-key',
  secret: 's3-secret',
  srcBucket: 'name-of-the-s3-bucket',
  destBucket: 'name-of-the-s3-bucket'

// Copy the object(s)

bucketCopy('some_dirctory_in_a_bucket', function (err) {
  // All done and copied, unless you messed up

// OR

bucketCopy('some_dirctory_in_a_bucket', 'new_bucket_directory_prefix', function (err) {
  // All done and copied, unless you messed up

The directory prefix allows you to put the entire set of copied objects into a new root object when they are copied to the new bucket.