
NodeJS Buffer for AssemblyScript

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import bufferAs from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/buffer-as';


AS"> AS-Buffer

Buffer implementation for AssemblyScript


~ npm install buffer-as


import { Buffer } from 'buffer-as'

const buf = Buffer.from('Hello World!')

// 'Hello World!'


Buffer.from(data: T, encoding: string | null) Create a new buffer from multiple data types.

Buffer.write(str: string): Buffer Write string data to the buffer.

Buffer.slice(start: i32, end: i32): Buffer Slices the buffer into a chunk.

Buffer.alloc(size: i32): Buffer Allocate an empty buffer with a defined size.

Buffer.allocUnsafe(size: i32): Buffer Allocate an empty buffer with a defined size. Unsafe.

Buffer.allocUnsafeSlow(size: i32): Buffer Allocate an empty buffer with a defined size. Unsafe.

Buffer.isBuffer(obj: T): boolean Check if a object is of type buffer.

Buffer.toString(encoding: string | null): string Convert a buffer to a string.

Buffer.toJSON(): JSONbuffer Convert a buffer to a JSON object.

Buffer.equals(otherBuffer: Buffer): boolean Check if this buffer equals another buffer.

Buffer.isEncoding(encoding: string): boolean Check if the provided encoding is valid.

Buffer.concat(list: Buffer[]): Buffer Join a list of buffers into a single buffer.

Buffer.byteLength(string: string, encoding?: string): i32 Get the byte length of a string.