
An easy way to reuse buffers without much API ceremony

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import bufferReusePool from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/buffer-reuse-pool';



An easy way to reuse buffers without much API ceremony

npm install buffer-reuse-pool

build status


const reuse = require('buffer-reuse-pool')
const pool = reuse.pool(65536) // make a pool of 64kb chunks

const buf = pool.alloc() // alloc a buffer

// ... do stuff like passing it to fs.read
// when done free it

reuse.free(buf) // re-adds it to the pool it was allocated from

The neat thing is that the buf variable is just a normal buffer and that the reuse function does not need to know about the pool, meaning that module authors can support buffer reuse without any additional api complexities.

All you have to do is free a buffer when you are completely done using it


const pool = reuse.pool(size)

Make a new buffer reuse pool. size if the size of the buffers allocated.


Get the buffer size of this pool.

const buffer = pool.alloc()

Allocate a new buffer of size pool.size. Note that the buffer is not guaranteed to be blank as it can have been used before.

const reusable = reuse.free(buffer)

Free a buffer. Returns true if this buffer was reuseable, false if not. It is safe to pass a normal buffer allocated with Buffer.alloc or a one allocated with pool.alloc.

const slicedBuffer = reuse.slice(buffer, start, end)

Slice a buffer. If the slicedBuffer is freed the original buffer is reused.
