
Local networks config plugin for Buidler

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import buidlerLocalNetworksConfigPlugin from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/buidler-local-networks-config-plugin';


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Allow loading network configs for Buidler projects in home file


This plugin allows you to specify a local configuration file to populate the Buidler's networks config. This means users can keep critical information stored locally without risking it to the project's devs or users. For example, you can keep your providers keys or private keys in a secured directory without exposing them.


Install dependency from NPM:

npm install buidler-local-networks-config-plugin @nomiclabs/buidler

And add the following statement to your buidler.config.js:


Required plugins

This plugin does not require any extra plugin.


This plugin creates no additional tasks.

Environment extensions

This plugin does not perform any environment extension.


This plugin extends the BuidlerConfig object with an optional localNetworksConfig field.

This is an example of how to set it:

module.exports = {
  localNetworksConfig: '~/.buidler/networks.ts'

In case a localNetworksConfig is not provided, the plugin will try to read it from ~/.buidler/networks.json.

Note that both JS/TS and JSON formats are supported.


The local configuration file should support the following interface, any other field will be simply ignored:

export interface LocalNetworksConfig {
  networks?: Networks
  defaultConfig?: NetworkConfig

Where Networks and NetworkConfig are based types defined by Buidler.

In case there is a conflict between any of the local network configs, the default one, or the ones defined in your project, the following list of priorities will be enforced:

  1. Project network specific configuration
  2. Local network specific configuration
  3. Local default network configuration

A local configuration file could look as follows:

  "networks": {
    "rinkeby": {
      "gasMultiplier": 2,
      "accounts": "0x12..56,0xab..cd",
      "url": "https://rinkeby.infura.io/v3/<API_KEY>"
    "mainnet": {
      "accounts": "0x12..56,0xab..cd",
      "url": "https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/<API_KEY>"
  "defaultConfig": {
    "gasPrice": "auto"

TypeScript support

You need to add this to your tsconfig.json's files array: "node_modules/buidler-local-networks-config-plugin/src/type-extensions.d.ts"