
Build Boilerplate using Webpack, Eslint, Assemble, Nunjucks, and BrowserSync

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import buildBoilerPlus from '';


Build Boilerplate

Steps to Install & Run

  • Install NVM to manage/install NodeJS
  • nvm install 5 to install Node 5
  • npm i -g npm@3 to update your NPM
  • npm i -g gulp to install Gulp task runner globally
  • npm i
  • gulp watch

Module Installation and Tasks

  • npm i
    • installs all Node/NPM dependencies
  • rm -rf node_modules && npm cache clean && npm i =>
    • if you would ever like to clear your Node/NPM cache and start from scratch
  • npm i -S <some_package_name>
    • install a new dependency and save it in your package.json dependencies
  • npm i -D <some_package_name>
    • install a new dependency and save it in your package.json devDependencies
  • npm i <some_package_name>@latest
    • install the latest version of a node module, in this case it is a node module on our @HFA private NPM
  • "some-package-name": "git+ssh://<some-repo-name>.git#<some-branch-name>"
    • install a package directly from githuh, in this case we also specify a branch (note: this is useful for testing NPM packages without publishing them, but this will break on a Travis build if it is from a private repo.)
  • gulp watch
    • run the local build with live/hot reload
  • gulp build -q && gulp browser-sync
    • run the Isomorphic build in a closer to "prod" mode (ie no live/hot reload) without uglification and minification and start the BrowserSync server when finished
  • gulp build && gulp browser-sync
    • run the Isomorphic build and preview locally on BrowserSync