
Script to automate creating built branches

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import buildThisBranch from '';



Script to automate creating built branches.

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Run in your Git repository from the branch you want to build:

npx build-this-branch

⚠️ Warning: This command will force-push to the remote branch built/<current branch>. Make sure there are no unsaved changes there. You can configure the built branch name with --built-branch <branch name>.

Global install

If you use this command often, make sure to install it globally so it's on disk:

npm install -g build-this-branch


| Flag | Description | | - | - | | -c, --build-command <command> | The command to build the branch. (default: npm run build) | | -b, --built-branch <branch name> | The name of the built branch. Defaults to prefixing "built/" to the current branch or tag name. | | -r, --remote <remote> | The remote to push to. (default: origin) | | -d, --dry | Dry run mode. Will not build, commit, or push to the remote. | | -h, --help | Show help | | -v, --version | Show version |


What's a built branch?

In projects that build from source files, a built branch is a branch that contains built assets so it can be installed with npm when pushed to GitHub:

# Installs from
npm install 'organization/repository#built-branch'

Built branches are useful for quickly testing changes and can be preferrable over permanently publishing a prerelease to npm.

What does this script do?

To make a built branch, this script does the following:

  1. Run build script (eg. npm run build)
  2. Create a new branch with the built/ namespace
  3. Detects and only commits npm publish files to the new branch
  4. Force pushes up to remote
  5. Deletes local built branch
  6. Prints the installation command for the built branch