
A built-in word list for word games.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import builtinwordlist from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/builtinwordlist';


Append It Word List

A built-in word list for word games.


I have a word game project written in Javascript. The hardest part of the project is finding a good word list that contains enough words to use in a word game. This task takes a lot of time and makes me feel boring. Without the list, my game can't be played, so I had to do that boring task and collected a good word list. I converted it into a Javascript module so I can use it for later projects. Anyone who hates that boring task can use this too.


This list contains about 28.000 English words. It's not perfect, but it can save your time. You use the list through BuiltInWordList object.


The main actor of the module is BuiltInWordList.


Name Parameters Returns Description
has word - string boolean Check if the word is in the list, ignore case-sensitive
random string Get a random word from the list


import BuiltInWordList from "builtinwordlist";

BuiltInWordList.has("good"); // true
BuiltInWordList.has("distroi"); // false

const randomWord = BuiltInWordList.random();