
Client for the Minecraft bukkit-openhab-plugin

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import bukkitOpenhabClient from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/bukkit-openhab-client';



NodeJs client for the Minecraft bukkit-openhab-plugin


npm install bukkit-openhab-client


Receiving messages

const OH = require('bukkit-openhab-client');

let client = OH.connect('localhost');

client.on('connect', function() {

client.on('message', function(msg) {

client.on('player', function(msg) {

Sending commands

const { connect, CommandType } = require('bukkit-openhab-client');

let client = connect('localhost');

client.send(CommandType.PLAYER_HEALTH, {
  playerName: welteki,
  health: 18


OH.connect(host, [options])

Connect to a server specified by the given url and returns the Client

The arguments are:

  • host: bukkit server host
  • options
    • reconnect: attempt reconnect, default = true
    • reconnectInterval: the interval to try a reconnect, default = 6000
    • maxReconnect: maximum reconnection attempts

OH.Client(host, [options])

Accepts the same arguments as described in the connect function

Event 'connect'

function () {}

Emitted on successful (re)connection

Event 'close'

function (code) {}

Emitted after a disconnection.

  • code disconnection status code

Event 'reconnect'

function () {}

Emitted when a reconnect starts.

Event 'message'

function (message) {}

Emitted when the client receives a message

  • message
    • messageType number indicating the type of the message
    • message the message content

Event 'player'

function (message) {}

Emitted when the client receives a player message

example player message:

    displayName: 'welteki',
    name: 'welteki',
    level: 0,
    totalExperience: 0,
    experience: 0.0,
    health: 13.333335876464844,
    healthScale: 20.0,
    walkSpeed: 0.2,
    location: {
      x: 374.54182933731164,
      y: 74.0,
      z: 262.8878343833861,
      pitch: 18.899847,
      yaw: 143.69923
    gameMode: 'CREATIVE'

Event 'sign'

function (message) {}

Emitted when the client receives a sign message

example sign message:

    name: 'Foo',
    state: true,
    location: {
      x: 372.0,
      y: 75.0,
      z: 260.0,
      pitch: 0.0,
      yaw: 0.0

Event 'server'

function (message) {}

Emitted when the client receives a server message

example server message:

  name: 'CraftBukkit',
  version: 'git-Spigot-549c1fa-2ee49b4 (MC: 1.12.2)',
  bukkitVersion: '1.12.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT',
  maxPlayers: 20,
  players: 1


Close websocket connection to the server

OH.Client#send(commandType, commandArgs)

Send a command to the server

Command type: CommandType.PLAYER_HEALTH

  • commandArgs
    • playerName name of the player to execute the command on
    • health number indicating the desired health level

Command type: CommandType.PLAYER_WALKSPEED

  • commandArgs
    • playerName name of the player to execute the command on
    • walkspeed number indicating the desired walkspeed

Command type: CommandType.PLAYER_LEVEL

  • commandArgs
    • playerName name of the player to execute the command on
    • level: number indicating the desired level

Command type: CommandType.PLAYER_GAMEMODE

  • commandArgs
    • playerName name of the player to execute the command on
    • gameMode the desired game mode: CREATIVE, SURVIVAL, ADVENTURE, SPECTATOR

Command type: CommandType.PLAYER_LOCATION

  • commandArgs
    • playerName name of the player to execute the command on
    • location location string

Command type: CommandType.SIGN_STATE

  • commandArgs
    • signName name of the sign
    • state boolean indicating the desired state