
Object transformation tool inspired on mongoose models.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import bumblebeeObjectTransformation from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/bumblebee-object-transformation';


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Bumblebee javascript object transformation tool


Object transformation tool inspired on mongoose models. The basic idea is to contruct a result object, form a model and a reference object (and also you can pass an object as base).

Getting Started

Install the module with: npm install bumblebee

    var bumblebee = require('bumblebee-object-transformation');
    bumblebee(initialObject, referenceObject, model, function(err, result){
        //Your code....


Basically you should use as model the final object, and field by field you can speficy:

  • __format : (to specify the default format)
  • __default : (if bumblebee dont find the field you can specify a default field)
  • __composer : (to make some operations predefined)
  • __scheema : (to compose the scheema of this field)
  • __originField: (to specify the orifinal field inside the object, remeber that any scheema that you define inside the composer use their own element or subobject as reference)
  • __clean : (to use over the object selected my object cleaner, that removes innecesarry arrays with lenght 0, really usefull when you convert from xml to js.)

For now the operations are:

  • RegEx : to find inside the object a fields and put in an array.
  • everyElement : to loop over the elements of an array and make the transformations
  • everyElementToArray : to loop over the elements of an array and create an object, you need to specify the key of the every element (__key)

Remember that this module is underconstruction, if you have some needs try to follow the essential structure of the application, and i try to merge all request. Usully i use this module, so im adapting frecuently, and sometimes wont be really well optimized, all suggestions are welcome.



(From 0.3.X Examples)

    initialObject = {};
    var referenceObject = {
        'title' : 'title',
        'text': 'hey im a text',
        'position' : [ 41.3901566, 2.1355214 ],
        'you' : {
            'video' : {
                'active': true,
                'times': 4,
                    'duration': 10,
                    'format': 'min'
            'expiration': 'DATE',
            'expirationTimezone': 'GMT+1'
        'buyNowConfig': {
            'price': 100
                { url: 'http://lkjljklkj/123'},
                { url: 'http://lkjljklkj/456'},
                { url: 'http://lkjljklkj/678'},
                { url: 'http://lkjljklkj/999'},

: {
                key: 'acme',
                type: 'company'
            ids: ['123']

: {
                key: 'octo',
                type: 'company'
            ids: '345'
    var model = {
        'position': {
            __format: 'Object',
            __scheema: {
                lat: { __format: 'Float', __originField: 'position.0' },
                lng: { __format: 'Float', __originField: 'position.1' }
        'youtube': {
                'active': { __format: 'Boolean', __originField: 'you.video.active'},
                'times': { __format: 'Integer', __originField: 'you.video.times'},
                'duration': { __format: 'Integer', __originField: 'you.video.information.duration'},
                'expiration': { __format: 'String', __originField: 'youtube.expiration'},
                'expirationTimezone': { __format: 'String', __originField: 'youtube.expirationTimezone'},
        'products': {
            __format: 'Array',
            __scheema: {
                'title': { __format: 'Object' },
                'text': { __format: 'Object' },
                'imagePath': { __format: 'String', __originField: 'images.0.url', __outputMod: function (url) { return url+ ".jpg" } },
                'buyNowPrice': { __format: 'Float', __originField: 'buyNowConfig.price' }
        'images' : {
            __format: 'Array',
            __originField: 'product.images',
                __type: 'everyElement',
                __scheema: {
                    'type': { __format: 'String', __default: 'internal' },
                    'fullUrl': { __format: 'String', __originField: 'url', __outputMod: function (url) { return url+ ".jpg" } }
        'providers' : {
            __format: "Object",
                __type: 'everyElementToObject',
                __originField: 'providers',
                __key: '$.key',
                __scheema: {
                        __format: 'String',
                        __originField: '$.type'
                    codes: {
                        __format: 'Array',
                        __originField: 'ids'

Passing this 2 objects the module reconstruct this in the output:

result = {
    position: {
        lat: 41.3901566,
        lng: 2.1355214
    youtube : {
        active: true,
        times: 4,
        duration: 10,
        expiration: 'DATE',
        expirationTimezone: 'GMT+1'
    products: [
        title: 'title',
        text: 'hey im a text',
        imagePath: 'http://lkjljklkj/123.jpg',
        buyNowPrice: 100
    images: [
        { type: 'internal', fullUrl: 'http://lkjljklkj/123.jpg' },
        { type: 'internal', fullUrl: 'http://lkjljklkj/456.jpg' },
        { type: 'internal', fullUrl: 'http://lkjljklkj/678.jpg' },
        { type: 'internal', fullUrl: 'http://lkjljklkj/999.jpg' }
        acme: {
            type: 'company',
            codes: ['123']
        octo: {
            type: 'company',
            codes: ['345']

(From 0.2.1 Examples)

    initialObject = {
        _id: "000001"
    referenceObject = {
        Name: 'dummy',
        number: '1243',
        latitud: '12.43',
        Active: 'true',
        image1: 'http://urltoimage1',
        image2: 'http://urltoimage2',
        image3: 'http://urltoimage3',
        image4: 'http://urltoimage4',
            {cod1: '111', cod2:'11'},
            {cod1: '333', cod2:'11'},
            {cod1: '444', cod2:'22'},
            {cod1: '555', cod2:'22'}
    model = {
        name: {type: 'String', originField: 'Name'},
        code: {type: 'Integer', originField: 'number'},
        active: {type: 'Boolean', originField: 'Active'},
        images: {type: 'Array', composer:{type: 'RegEx', reg: 'image', use: 'value'}},
        latitud: {type: 'Float'},
        maybeValue: {type: 'Integer', default: 0},
        propertyCodes: {
            type: 'Array',
            originField: 'codes',
                type: 'everyElement',
                scheema: {
                    providerCode: {type: 'String', originField: 'cod1'},
                    providerType: {type: 'String', originField: 'cod2'}

Passing this 2 objects the module reconstruct this in the output:

result = {
  _id: "000001",
    name: 'dummy',
    code: 1243,
    active: true,
    images: [
    latitud: 12.43,
    maybeValue: 0,
      { providerCode: '111', providerType: '11' },
      { providerCode: '333', providerType: '11' },
      { providerCode: '444', providerType: '22' },
      { providerCode: '555', providerType: '22' }


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.

Release History

(0.3.9 Lastest)

  • Added everyElementToObject basically its the same that every element and you need to specify the key of the object for every element
  • Added inside the everyElement of an array the posibilty to use a "__outputMod" function
  • Added inside the everyElement with __scheema the __condition function, if true the element should be inject on the final everyElement array
  • Fixed little problem with composer and array without __scheema field.



  • (0.3.0) (From 0.2.1 to 0.3) Not more type to define the output format, simply format.
  • (0.3.0) (From 0.2.1 to 0.3) All internal operators are rewrite with "__" to remove comflicts


  • (0.3.0) Now added the scheema operation that allows you to compose objects.


Copyright (c) 2014 Daniel Biedma Ramos Licensed under the MIT license.