
Bunch of function, which you are going to use everywhere. Why they are not in standard already?

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import bunchOfUtilities from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/bunch-of-utilities';


Bunch of utilities

Bunch of function, which you are going to use everywhere. Why they are not in standard already?

How to use

Just add water import it your project!

import Utilities from 'bunch-of-utilities';



Utilities.agent.request(string method, string url, [object options, [function callback]]) - implement a simple request. Options structure : {headers: {key: value, ...}, params: {key: value, ...}}

Utilities.agent.post(...) and Utilities.get(...) - are shorthands for Utilities.request


Utilities.browser.getBrowserName() - returns name of the browser

Utilities.browser.getOS() - returns name of the operation system


Utilities.data.getRandNum(number from, number to) - returns a random integer in specified range (from 0 to 100 by default)

Utilities.data.getRandString(number length) - returns a random string with specified length (10 characters by default)

Utilities.data.getRandBool() - returns a random boolean value

Utilities.data.getSafeObject(object source) - returns a copy of the source object, but without circular references


Utilities.url.getDomain(string url) - returns domain of the url

Utilities.url.buildUrl(string base, object params) - returns encoded url with get parameters


Utilities.function.defer(function source) - execute function after the javascript engine executes the current call stack

Utilities.function.throttle(function source, number threshold) - returns function, which cannot be executed more than once every period of threshold

Utilities.function.once(function source) - returns function, which cannot be executed more than once

Building process

ES6 source files
       +--- babel, eslint
  ready to use
  in umd format


  • npm run build - produces production version of your library under the lib folder
  • npm run dev - produces development version of your library and runs a watcher
  • npm run test - well ... it runs the tests :)
  • npm run test:watch - same as above but in a watch mode