
client-side Javascript packager.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import bundlet from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/bundlet';


Bundlet - a simple client-side Javascript bundler.

Bundlet is a simple client-side Javascript bundler. It is designed to work with external scripts, such as scripts from CDN or 3rd-party service scripts.


npm install -g bundlet


In your package.json

browser: { // this is the same browser field used by browserify
  jquery: false

bundlet: {
  shim: {
    jquery: {
      external: 'window.

, // external is a direct text substitution. 
      depends: []

In your HTML template

<script src="jquery.js"></script><!-- make sure external scripts are included ahead -->
<script src="/main.js"></script>

Your modules:

// foo.js
var jquery = require('jquery');
var Bar = require('./bar');
var Baz = require('./baz');

// bar.js
var jquery = require('jquery');
var Baz = require('./baz');

// baz.js

Compile from command line.

$ bundlet ./foo.js > ./public/js/foo.js

./public/js/foo.js now looks like

// module: jquery
var _Module_jquery = window.$;
// module: ./baz.js
var _Module___baz_js = (function () {
// module: ./bar.js
var _Module___bar_js = (function() {
  var jquery = _Module_jquery;
  var Baz = _Module_baz_js;
// module: ./foo.js
var _Module___foo_js = (function () {
  var jquery = _Module_jquery;
  var Bar = _Module___bar_js;
  var Baz = _Module___baz_js;

Package.json browser field

bundlet utilizes browser field similar to browserify. Use it to provide alternate script or false to ignore script in the case when the script will be supplied externally.

Package.json bundlet field

Use bundlet field to drive the rest of the bundlet behaviors. Currently the only field defined within bundlet is shims.


shims is a key/value pair object, where the key denotes the name of a module.

The value is another object that have the following values:

  • external - supply the definition of the external script. For example - external: 'window. will be used for defining the object. Use external in pair with false in browser field.
  • depends - an array of the dependant scripts. This is used to drive external script's dependency when they do not utilize require.
  • exports - For external scripts that do not utilize module.exports - use this to return something else.

depends and exports are used with scripts that you want to bundle, since you would handle them manually when they are external scripts.

The following is an example:

browser: {
  jquery: false, // loading from CDN
  bootstrap: './public/js/bootstrap.js', 
  bootstrap.tagsinput: './public/js/bootstrap.tagsinput.js'

bundlet: {
  shims: {
    jquery: {
      external: 'window.

    bootstrap: {
      depends: ['jquery'], 
    bootstrap.tagsinput: {
      depends: ['jquery', 'bootstrap']