
A wrapper for part of the Bunq API v1

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import bunqNode from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/bunq-node';



A wrapper for part of the bunq API v1 in Type-/JavaScript forked from Simon Schraeders https://github.com/c0dr/bunq

intended functionality

install prerequisites (as root or with sudo)

  • node.js
    • apt-get install nodejs
    • npm install -g npm@latest
  • typescript
    • npm install -g typescript
  • jest
    • npm install -g jest

clone, compile, test

git clone https://github.com/cofdev0/bunq-api.git bunq
cd bunq
npm install
npm run test

setup and initial authentication with bunq server

  • create a public/private key pair
    • change secretsPath in bunq.json to point to an existing directory for your secret data
    • npm run createKey
    • change file names of created key files
    • change publicKeyFile and privateKeyFile in bunq.json to point to newly created key files
  • install public key with bunq server
    • npm run installKey
    • rename newly created JSON file with installationToken in your secretPath
    • have installationTokenFile in bunq.json point to this installationToken file in your secretPath
  • create device server with bunq
    • have secretsFile in bunq.json point to your secret configuration JSON file
    • the secret configuration file must contain the secret API key you receive from bunq and a description of your server
    • like so: { 'secret' : 'nWmbY4QqXra...', 'description':'my bunq dev server' }
    • npm run createDeviceServer
  • create first session with bunq server
    • have bunqSessionFile in bunq.json point to the JSON file where to store the current session
    • have bunqSessionHistoryPath in bunq.json point to a directory where to store history of sessions
    • npm run createSession
  • find your user id
    • npm run requestUser
    • find your user id in the JSON output and enter it into your secret config file with key userId
    • add "accountId" : "" in your secret config file
  • find your account id
    • npm run showAccount
    • find your account id in the JSON output and update your secret config file accordingly


  • show all payments on your account
    • npm run requestPayments
  • send payment to IBAN
    • npm run sendPayment -- --iban NL09BUNQ2290519588 --amount 10 --description donation --name StichtingChainsOfFreedom --sendPayment
    • well done! thanks!

notification on payment

  • install notification filter to receive notification on payment

    • create server certificate to allow https connection (below)
    • have notificationKeyFile and notificationCertFile in secret configuration file point to certificate files
    • npm run installNotification -- https://my.domain.com/callback
  • example server to receive notification on payments

    • execute on server of notified domain:
    • npm run runCallbackServer

create server certificate for notification filters

  • selfsigned certificate
    • openssl genrsa -out server.key 2048
    • openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr
    • openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in server.csr -signkey server.key -out server.crt
  • certificate from letsencrypt.org using certbot.eff.org
    • certbot certonly --standalone -d your-domain-name.com
    • renew certificate twice per day with a crontab job:
    • 11 0,12 * * * /usr/bin/certbot certonly --quiet --standalone --renew-by-default -d your-domain-name.com

use in your own projects

import { 
BunqKey, BunqApi, BunqApiConfig, BunqApiSetup, 
BunqConnection, BunqServerConnection, SessionCreator 
} from 'bunq-api/dist/index';

publish to npm repository

  • install dts-generator
    • npm install -g dts-generator
    • create types with:
    • npm run createTypes
  • create package for testing
    • npm pack
  • publish to npmjs.com
    • npm login
    • npm publish