
Register usernames with BurnName

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import burnNameWriter from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/burn-name-writer';


BurnName Writer

BurnName writer lets you write to BurnName. For a reader, see burn-name.

There are two stages to writing: bidding for a name and attaching data to an address.


You must always pass in -t to indicate that you're using testnet Bitcoins.

To bid for a name:

node bin/write.js -t \
    --name occupy-paul-st \
    --amount 10000
    --address mhoMaeKgMjYvxphsj4RcmgKZHP25VqByNN
    --changeAddress mhoMaeKgMjYvxphsj4RcmgKZHP25VqByNN
  • name is the name that you're bidding for.
  • amount is the quantity, in Satoshis, that you're bidding for the name.
  • address is the Bitcoin address that will own this name. This address must have a balance greater than amount.
  • changeAddress is the address to which change will be sent. Usually, you'll want to just send change to the owner address.

Attaching data

To attach data to a name:

node bin/write.js -t \
    --data hello
    --address mhoMaeKgMjYvxphsj4RcmgKZHP25VqByNN
    --changeAddress mhoMaeKgMjYvxphsj4RcmgKZHP25VqByNN
  • data is the data you're attaching to this address.
  • address is a Bitcoin address, presumably one that owns a name or will in the future own a name. This address must have a balance greater than amount.
  • changeAddress is the address to which change will be sent. Usually, you'll want to just send change to the owner address.