
A collection of scripts used to interact with Azure Service Bus

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import busBoy from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/bus-boy';


This package is not ready for prime time, hence the <1.0.0 version number. Stay tuned!


A collection of scripts used to interact with Azure Service Bus


These scripts are meant to be extended for use as a CLI, in a GUI, or any other tool to provide users with access to Azure Service Bus topics and subscription data.

Add as an npm module to your project

npm -i bus-boy --save

*assumes you have node and npm installed

Available scripts

createMessage - Creates a message on the specified topic.
createSubscription - Creates the specified subscription.
createTopic - Creates the specified topic.
deleteSubscription - Deletes the specified subscription.
deleteTopic - Deletes the specified topic.
listRules - Returns all rules for a subscription.
listSubscriptions - Returns all subscriptions for the specified topic.
listTopics - Returns all topics for the current Service Bus connection. Also returns a count of topics.
peekDeadLetter - Peeklocks and returns the first retrieved message in the specified subscription's dead letter queue.
peekSubscription - Peeklocks and returns the first retrieved message in the specified subscription.
subscriptionDetails - Returns the details of the specified subscription.
subscriptionMsgCount - Returns the current count of messages in the specified subscription.
queueMsgCount - Returns the current count of messages in the specified queue.
watchTopic - Creates a temporary subscription on the configured topic and returns incoming messages.

Documentation for the Azure SDK for Node can be found here:


Basic Usage

const busBoy = require('bus-boy');
const azureSb = require('azure-sb');

const connectionString = 'my-service-bus-connection-string';
const azureServiceBus = azureSb.createServiceBusService(connectionString);

  .subscriptionDetails(azureServiceBus, 'my-topic-name', 'my-subscription')
  .then(results => {
  .catch(error => {

Basic Watch Topic Usage

const busBoy = require('bus-boy');
const azureSb = require('azure-sb');

const connectionString = 'my-connection-string';
const azureServiceBus = azureSb.createServiceBusService(connectionString);

const { watchTopic } = busBoy;

// callback to handle messages
function onMessage(message) {
  console.log('%O', message);

// stop watching topic after 5 seconds
setTimeout(() => { watchTopic.onSIGINT(); }, 5000);

// start watching topic
watchTopic.run(azureServiceBus, topic, onMessage);