
Tool to generate code ( Java, JS) from a model

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import byoskillCodeGenerator from '';



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CLI Tool to write code generation project using a model.

This tool is an NPM module that bundles a set of libraries and scripts to allow a RAPID developer to generate easily code ( source files, AST, assets etc) from a JSON model.

How to use


The JSON model structure is loosely defined to allow any model to be accepted.

A generation project has to be provided to the tool. This project will perform the code generation orchestrated by the present library.

Source code generation

The code generation relies on Handlebar and its mechanism. To know more about template rendering with Handlebars go to handlebars documentation.

Generation project

A generation project should follow this folder structure :


Here is the explanation :

  • assets the whole list of resources contained in the assets folder will be copied ( and potentially overwrite) in the target folder. The resources are copied at the target directory, it means the assets prefix is ignored.
  • helpers contains the list of helpers available in your Handlebar templates. They are loaded automatically.
  • partials contains the list of partials available in your Handlebar templates. They are loaded automatically.
  • templates contains the list of templates available in your generation script to generate your code
  • generation.js is the entry point to write your code.
  • global.js contains a set of global variables available in your helpers, partials and templates as well as your generation script.


Here is a sample of partial file :

{{#if field.entityCollection}}
entity.set{{capitalize}}(this.{{javaTypeToBeanName field.relatedJpaEntity}}converter.toEntities(dto.get{{capitalize}}() ));
{{#unless field.entityCollection}}
entity.set{{capitalize}}(this.{{javaTypeToBeanName field.relatedJpaEntity}}converter.toEntity(dto.get{{capitalize}}() ));


Helpers are javascript macros that can be used in your templates. The specification is provided by Handlebars.

Here is a sample :

function capitalize(word) {
    return word[0].toUpperCase() + word.slice(1);

exports.capitalize = capitalize;

and another sample :

function getBaseType(type) {

    if (type.variant == "class") {
        if (!type.canonicalName.startsWith("java.lang") && !type.primitive) {
        return type.simpleName;
    } else if (type.variant == "parameterized") {
        var tpm = => getBaseType(t)).join(',');		
        return getBaseType(type.rawtype) + "<" + tpm + ">";

function javaType(type) {
    const baseType = getBaseType(type);
    return type.array ? baseType + "[]": baseType;

exports.javaType = javaType;


The templates are using Handlebars and follow its convention.

Here is a sample :

const Client = require('../../lib/rest-client').Client;
const EndpointConfig = require('../../lib/rest-client').EndpointConfig;
const chai = require('chai');
const assert = chai.assert; // Using Assert style

// Entities
const defaultParams = require('../../entities/default-params.json');

const client = new Client();
describe('{{{controller}}}', () => {

     * Test of the endpoint {{{method}}} {{{url}}}
     * for the controller {{{controller}}}
    it('{{{operationId}}}::{{{method}}}', async () => {
        const endpointConfig = new EndpointConfig();
        endpointConfig.method = {{{literal method}}};

        endpointConfig.pathParams = {
            {{#each pathParams}} {{{@key}}}: {{{this}}}, 


Generation script

The file generation.js is a Javascript file which requires a specific structure.

The generation script should define and export a class.

This class should contains a method generate and a constructor taking a context as sole parameter.

Here is the basic structure of a generation script :

 * Several variables are provided for the execution of the generation.
 * log: a logger to print your messages
 * template: a component to load and execute a template with a payload
 *  example: template.nunjucks("templateName", payload") : string
 *  example: template.handlebars("templateName", payload") : string
 * catalog: returns the catalog of objects to be manipulated for the generation.
 * fs: file operations
 *  fs.write("path", content)
 * path: path operations
 * globals : contains a list of global variables declared at the begin of the execution and available in both templates, helpers and partials
 * output: the output folder
 * generationInfo: contains various folder locations
    templates: path.join(argv.generation, 'templates'),
    partials: path.join(argv.generation, 'partials'),
    helpers: path.join(argv.generation, 'helpers'),
    script: path.join(argv.generation, 'generation.js')
 * Handlebars : Template engine
 * script: javascript source file
 * project : the project folder
 * JSONL: JSON to literal

exports.default = class Generation {
    constructor(context) {
        // Using latest ES6 syntax, you may explode the context into several variables.
        this.context = context;
        this.output = context.output;
        this.log = context.log;
        this.docapi = this.context.catalog;
        this.template = this.context.template;
        this.path = this.context.path;
        this.fs = this.context.fs;
        // Options to generate the code
        this.genOpts = {
            testFolder: this.context.path.join(this.output, '__tests__'),
            entitiesFolder: this.context.path.join(this.output, 'entities'),            
            libFolder: this.context.path.join(this.output, 'lib')

        // Any kind of variable can be documented
        this.application = {
            author: 'Sylvain Leroy'

        // Project resources can be required this way.
        this.dictionary = this.context.requires('./dictionary.json');

    generate() {
        this.log.warn(`script:Rendering project into ${this.project}`);

        // Write your code here.


This file contains a list of global variables that are available in the partials, helpers, templates, and generation script.

Here is a sample :

function globals() {
    return {
        usedJavaTypes: new Set(),
        test: []

exports.globals = globals;

Example of projects

Here are some examples of generation projects made with this module.

Examples :

  • fish-net : a non-regression test harness generated automatically from Swagger/OpenAPI definitions.