
Pack arrays of similar objects into a binary format for transportation.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import bytePacker from '';


  1. Usage
  2. Additional Features
  3. API Reference
  4. Payload Format Reference
  5. To-do's and Roadmap

BytePacker is a library designed to lessen network load by "packing" an array of objects with similar fields into a binary format that only contains raw values. The binary can then be "unpacked" on the receiving side to produce the same objects.

Suppose you have an API that allows users to search a database of person records. Your endpoint might return an array of objects like this:

  "id": 123456789,
  "name": "John Doe",
  "sex": "male",
  "hobbies": [ "riding", "painting" ],
  "contact": {
    "email": "",
    "phone": "555-9323"

Transferring a large array of such objects in a JSON format entails a significant overhead, as the field names have to be included in every one of them. The id field could be represented as a 32-bit integer, but instead it has to be converted to a string, which greatly increases its length. Finally, there are all sorts of separators, such as {}, ", : and ,, which may also add up if there's a lot of them.

BytePacker was created to solve these problems. To be clear, it does need to be used on both the sending and the receiving end, so it can't help you with third party API's. If your backend is not written in JavaScript, you can write your own implementation based on the Payload Format Reference below.


1. Define the schema

First, you need to specify the names and types of the fields that each object will have. You will probably want to do this as a constant that you can access from anywhere in your code:

import { Schema } from 'byte-packer';

export const PersonSchema: Schema = {
  fields: [
      name: 'id',
      type: 'int32',
      name: 'name',
      type: 'string',
      name: 'sex',
      type: 'enum',
      enumOf: ['male', 'female', 'undisclosed'],
      name: 'hobbies',
      type: 'array',
      arrayOf: {
        type: 'string',
      name: 'contact',
      type: 'object',
      fields: [
          name: 'email',
          type: 'string',
          name: 'phone',
          type: 'string',

You can find a full list of available field types in the API Reference.

2. Pack the objects

On the sender side, call pack() with the array of objects as the first argument, and the schema as the second:

import { pack } from 'byte-packer';
import { PersonSchema } from './PersonSchema';

const persons = [
    id: 123456789,
    name: 'John Doe',
    sex: 'male',
    hobbies: ['riding', 'painting'],
    contact: {
      email: '',
      phone: '555-9323',
    id: 223456789,
    name: 'Jane Doe',
    sex: 'female',
    hobbies: ['tennis', 'clarinet', 'sci-fi'],
    contact: {
      email: '',
      phone: '555-4876',
  // ...etc

const payload = pack(persons, schema);

The pack() function returns an ArrayBuffer, which you can then send over the network.

For the sake of comparison: if you sent the above array of two objects in minified JSON, it would have a payload size of 296 bytes. Processed with BytePacker, this drops to 130 bytes.

Note: If any objects contain fields that are not listed in the schema, those fields will be silently ignored.

3. Unpack the buffer

On the receiving side, simply call unpack() with the received buffer as the first argument, and the schema as the second:

import { unpack } from 'byte-packer';
import { PersonSchema } from './PersonSchema';

// Somehow receive the payload:
const response = await fetch('/persons');
const payload = await response.arrayBuffer();

const persons = unpack(payload, schema);

The resulting array will contain the same objects, in the same order, as they were sent.

Additional Features

Nullable fields

By default, BytePacker expects all objects to have all the same fields. If this is not always true in your use case, you can specify any number of the fields as nullable:

export const PersonSchema = {
  fields: [
      name: 'firstName',
      type: 'string',
      name: 'lastName',
      type: 'string',
      nullable: true,

const people = [
  { firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe' },
  { firstName: 'Sting' },
  { firstName: 'X', lastName: null },

Nullable fields can have null as their value, or completely omitted from the packed objects. On the receiving side, they will always be unpacked with null as their value.

Note: Defining nullable fields will slightly increase the size of the payload; specifically, by 1 byte per object for every 8 nullable fields.

Self-describing payload

By default, unpack() needs the schema as its second argument to unpack the objects. However, it is possible to create a self-describing payload by setting the selfDescribing property of the schema to true:

import { Schema, pack } from 'byte-packer';

const coordinates = [
  { x: 0, y: 0 },
  { x: 6, y: 0 },
  { x: 6, y: 6 },
  { x: 0, y: 6 },

const schema = {
  selfDescribing: true,
  fields: [{ name: 'x', type: 'int8' }, { name: 'y', type: 'int8' }],

const payload = pack(coordinates, schema);

The resulting payload will now contain a header chunk that completely describes the schema of its contents. Such a payload can be unpacked without passing a second argument:

import { unpack } from 'byte-packer';

// Somehow receive the payload:
const response = await fetch('/persons');
const payload = await response.arrayBuffer();

const coordinates = unpack(payload); // <-- No schema needed!

Note: If unpack() is called with a self-describing payload and a schema object, it will use the schema that is included in the payload, and ignore the argument. The selfDescribing flag has no effect when unpacking.

Singleton objects

Up to now, we have assumed that your payload consists only of the array of records. In practice, the body of an API response is usually an object, which contains some additional metadata besides the records, such as pagination info, etc.

From version 1.5.0 onward, you can include an asSingleton flag in your schema for this purpose:

  • If asSingleton is set to true when packing, pack() will expect a single object (instead of an array of objects) as its first argument. A feature flag will be set on the payload to indicate that it contains a singleton.
  • If asSingleton is set to true when unpacking, unpack() will return a single object. If the payload was not packed as a singleton, only the first object in the array will be unpacked.
  • If asSingleton is explicitly set to false when unpacking, unpack() will return an array of objects. If the payload was packed as a singleton, it will be wrapped in an array.
  • If asSingleton is not specified when unpacking, unpack() will check the feature flag in the payload, and return a singleton or an array accordingly.
const searchResults = {
  pagination: {
    currentPage: 1,
    pageCount: 2,
    recordsPerPage: 3,
    recordCount: 5,
  records: [
      firstName: 'John',
      lastName: 'Doe',
      age: 33,
      firstName: 'Jane',
      lastName: 'Doe',
      age: 35,
      firstName: 'Jackie',
      lastName: 'Doe',
      age: 26,

// Define the schema of your API results
// e.g. searching in a contact list
const schema = {
  asSingleton: true,
  fields: [
      name: 'pagination',
      type: 'object',
      fields: [
        { name: 'currentPage', type: 'uint8' },
        { name: 'pageCount', type: 'uint8' },
        { name: 'recordsPerPage', type: 'uint8' },
        { name: 'recordCount', type: 'uint32' },
      name: 'records',
      type: 'array',
      arrayOf: {
        type: 'object',
        fields: [
          { name: 'firstName', type: 'string' },
          { name: 'lastName', type: 'string' },
          { name: 'age', type: 'uint8' },

// Pack the object as a singleton:
const payload = pack(searchResults, schema);

// Unpack as a singleton:
const searchResults = unpack(payload, schema);

API Reference

Field Types

name description
int8 Signed 8-bit integer (-128 .. 127)
uint8 Unsigned 8-bit integer (0 .. 255)
int16 Signed 16-bit integer (-32 768 .. 32 767)
uint16 Unsigned 16-bit integer (0 .. 65 535)
int32 Signed 32-bit integer (-2 147 483 648 .. 2 147 483 647)
uint32 Unsigned 32-bit integer (0 .. 4 294 967 295)
varint Variable-length unsigned integer (0 .. 1 112 063)
float 32-bit floating-point
boolean true or false
string String (encoded in UTF-8 with null terminator)
enum One of a predefined list of options, stored as an index (see below)
date An instance of Date (see below)
array Array of elements with a predefined type (see below)
object Child object with its own schema (see below)

The varint type is useful if you expect values to randomly fall anywhere within the allowed range, from single-digits to the hundreds of thousands. Storing them as variable-length instead of uint32 can help you shave a few more bytes off the payload by using fewer bytes for lower values.

interface Schema

interface Schema {
  fields: Field[];
  selfDescribing?: boolean;

Describes a schema used for packing and unpacking arrays of objects. BytePacker will only extract fields that are listed in the fields array of the schema; any other fields of the objects will be ignored.

type Field

type Field = {
  name: string;
  nullable?: boolean;
} & (SimpleType | EnumType | DateType | ArrayType | ObjectType);

type SimpleType = {
    | 'int8'
    | 'int16'
    | 'int32'
    | 'uint8'
    | 'uint16'
    | 'uint32'
    | 'varint'
    | 'float'
    | 'boolean'
    | 'string';

type EnumType = {
  type: 'enum';
  enumOf: string[];

type DateType = {
  type: 'date';
  precision?: 'day' | 'minute' | 'second' | 'ms';

type ArrayType = {
  type: 'array';
  arrayOf: {
    nullable?: boolean;
  } & (SimpleType | EnumType | DateType | ArrayType | ObjectType);

type ObjectType = {
  type: 'object';
  fields: Field[];

Describes a field in the schema.

  • All fields must have a name and type specified.
  • The nullable flag is assumed to be false if omitted.
  • Fields with a type of enum must also have an enumOf property, which is an array of strings that contains all possible values of the field.
  • Fields with a type of date may also have a precision propety, which specifies whether time data should also be stored, and if yes, to what precision. If not specified, defaults to day (i.e. no time data).
    • Dates are be converted to UTC when packed.
    • Less precision requires fewer bytes to store.
    • Time data that is not covered by the specified precision will be nondeterministic at unpacking.
  • Fields with a type of array must also have an arrayOf property, which specifies the type of the items in the array. This property works exactly like a proper field definition, with the exception that it does not have a name. Any value type is allowed, including array and object. The array is only allowed to contain null values if the nullable property of arrayOf is set to true.
  • Fields with a type of object must also have a fields property. This behaves exactly the same as the fields property of the schema itself.

function pack()

function pack<T = any>(objects: T[], schema: Schema): ArrayBuffer;

Packs the array of objects into an ArrayBuffer. For the detailed contents of the buffer, check the Payload Format Reference.

function unpack()

function unpack<T = any>(payload: ArrayBuffer, schema?: Schema): T[];

Unpacks an array of objects from an ArrayBuffer.

  • If the payload is not self-describing, it uses the received schema to unpack its contents.
  • If schema is omitted, the payload must contain a self-describing header. Otherwise, an Error is thrown.

Payload Format Reference

If you need to create your own implementation of BytePacker for your non-JS backend, you can use the following spec to ensure it uses the correct format.

Feature byte

The first byte of the payload is the feature byte: its individual bits are used to flag certain features of the payload. Currently, the following bits are used:

bit feature
10000000 This payload is self-describing.
01000000 This payload was packed as a singleton object.

Field definitions (optional)

If the payload is generated to be self-describing, the feature byte is followed by a header that contains the field definitions.

data length description
header size 2B Total size of the header, in bytes (including the header size)
field count 1B The number of fields (max. 255).

After the header size and field count, each field is described as follows:

data length description
field type 1B The five least significant bits of this byte represent the field type. The most significant bit is 1 for nullable fields and 0 for non-nullables. Additional bits may be set to indicate other features in the future.
field name (varies) + 1B Field names (and all strings in general) are encoded in UTF-8 and followed by a null terminator (a byte value of 0).

The numeric codes for the field types are as follows:

type code
int8 1
int16 2
int32 3
float 4
boolean 5
string 6
enum 7
varint 8
uint8 9
uint16 10
uint32 11
date 12
array 13
object 14

Fields with the type enum have additional information following the type and name:

data length description
enum option count 1B The number of possible enum values (max. 255).
enum options ((varies) + 1B) x (option count) Each enum option is listed as a UTF-8 string with a null terminator.

Fields with the type date must also specify the required precision with a numeric code after the type and name:

precision code
day 1
minute 2
second 3
ms 4

Fields with the type array must also specify the type of the array items. This is described exactly the same as a proper field definition, with the name set to an empty string (i.e. a single \0 byte).

Fields with the type object must also provide the schema. This works exactly the same as the actual schema, i.e. it begins with the number of fields as a single byte, followed by the field definitions. These schemas can be nested indefinitely.

Object definitions

The feature byte and optional header are followed immediately by the object definitions. These chunks contain the raw data of the packed objects' fields, in the same order as listed in the schema.

field type value length note
int8 / uint8 1B
int16 / uint16 2B
int32 / uint32 4B
float 4B
boolean 1B
string (varies) + 1B Encoded in UTF-8 + null terminator
enum 1B Index of the value within the array of options listed in the enumOf property of the field
varint 1B - 4B (See below)
date (varies) (See below)
array (varies) (See below)
object (varies) (See below)

varint values

The length of a varint value depends on the value itself. These values are encoded the same way as UTF-8 characters.

value value length
0 .. 127 1B
128 .. 2047 2B
2048 .. 65535 3B
65536 .. 1112064 4B

date values

The length and data of date values depends on the precision:

value value length description precision
0..9999 2B Year all
0..11 1B Month all
1..31 1B Day all
0..23 1B Hours minute, second, ms
0..59 1B Minutes minute, second, ms
0..59 1B Seconds second, ms
0..999 2B Milliseconds ms

Thus, the day precision requires 4 bytes (2B year + 1B month + 1B day), the minute precision requires 6 bytes (day precision + 1B hours + 1B minutes), and so on.

array values

Arrays are packed as follows:

  • First, the length of the array is packed as a varint value.
  • If the nullable flag in the arrayOf type definition was set to true, then the length is followed by a byte sequence that indicates which items of the array are null. See below for details.
  • Finally, the non-null items of the array are encoded according to the arrayOf type definition.

object values

Child objects are encoded exactly the same way as outer objects, i.e. prefixed by the optional null bytes (see below), followed by the values of their fields. Child objects can be nested indefinitely.

Null values

In objects

If the schema contains nullable fields, each object is prefixed by a sequence of bytes (called null bytes) that indicate which fields are null. The number of null bytes per object is the number of nullable bytes in the schema, divided by 8, and rounded up. I.e., if there are 1 to 8 nullable fields, there will be 1 null byte per object; if there are 9 to 16, there will be 2, etc.

The sequence of null bytes is treated as a single array of bits during processing. If the n-th least significant bit is set, it means that the n-th nullable field has the value null. It is crucial to remember that non-nullable fields do not have a corresponding bit in the null bytes, only nullable ones.

Consider the following example:

const schema = {
  fields: [
    { name: 'a', type: 'int8', nullable: true },
    { name: 'b', type: 'int8' },
    { name: 'c', type: 'int8', nullable: true },
    { name: 'd', type: 'int8' },

const objects = [
  { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4 },

  { a: null, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4 },

  { a: 1, b: 2, c: null, d: 4 },

  { a: null, b: 2, c: null, d: 4 },

With this schema, each object will be prefixed with 1 null byte (2 nullable fields => 2 divided by 8, rounded up to 1). Here's how the four listed objects will appear in the payload (the null bytes are shown in binary, the value bytes in decimal):

0b00000000 1 2 3 4

0b00000001 2 3 4

0b00000010 1 2 4

0b00000011 2 4
  1. In the first object, all fields have a numeric value. The null byte is all 0's, followed by the four byte values.
  2. In the second object, a is null. Since a is the first nullable field, the least significant bit of the null byte is set. The null byte is then followed by all the non-null values.
  3. In the third object, c is null. Since c is the second nullable field, the second least significant bit of the null byte is set. The null byte is then followed by all the non-null values.
  4. In the fourth object, a and c are both null; thus, both the least and second least significant bits of the null byte are set. The null byte is then followed by all the non-null values.

In arrays

Null values in arrays are encoded in a similar, but simpler manner. In this case, each bit in the sequence corresponds to an element in the array; thus, the total number of null bytes will be the length of the complete array, divided by 8 and rounded up. If the n-th least significant bit is set, it means the n-th item in the array is null.

Consider the following example:

const schema = {
  fields: [
      name: 'numbers',
      type: 'array',
      arrayOf: {
        type: 'int8',
        nullable: true,

const input = [{ numbers: [null, 1, 2, null, 3, null, null, 4, 5, 6] }];

With this schema, the value of the field numbers in the object will be encoded as follows:

10 0b0000000001101001 1 2 3 4 5 6
  1. First, the length of the array is encoded as a varint; here, this is 10.
  2. Next are the null bytes, here shown in binary. Because the array has 10 items, 2 null bytes are required (10 divided by 8, rounded up to 2). The first, fourth, sixth and seventh items of the array are null; therefore the 1st, 4th, 6th and 7th least significant bits of the sequence are set.
  3. Finally, after the null bytes, the non-null values are encoded normally.