
A concise collection of String utility methods.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import bytepushersJsStringExtensions from '';



Byte Pushers String Extensions JavaScript library that adds support for additional string method to the String Object.


npm install bytepushers-js-string-extensions


Byte Pushers String Extensions JavaScript library that adds support for additional string method to the String Object.
This library will contain various helper methods to interrogate assertions of a string.

Code Example

In the following code example, we call "Tonte Pouncil".includes() method to determine if the string literal includes the test string 'Pouncil' or not:

"Tonte Pouncil".includes("Pouncil") // result ==> true

In the following code example, we call "Hello this is a sentence.".toCamelCase(); method to turn the string literal into camel case by removing all spaces:

"Hello this is a sentence.".toCamelCase(); // result ==> "helloThisIsASentence."

In the following code example, we call "HelloWorld".toNormalCase() method to turn the string literal into normal case:

"Hello world".toCamelCase().toNormalCase(); // result ==> "Hello World"

In the following code example, we call String.format(template, dynamicVars...) method to format the string template passed in as parameter with dynamic value parameter passed into method:

var result = String.format("Hello {1} is {2} random {3}", "this", "a", "string"); // result ==> "Hello this is a random string"

In the following code example, we call String.isAlphanumeric () we use it to read letters and numbers in a string.

"Hello World 2".isAlphanumeric(); // result ==> "True" Contains only alphabetical and numerical characters.


The motivation behind the creation of the software.bytepushers.string.extensions.js was to provide additional convenient helper methods to the String Object as to promote re-usability.

API Reference

Function Named Function Description
String.includes(someStringToAssert) Static function that is used to determine if a string includes a certain character or string
String.trim() Static function that is used to trim the white spaces from the beginning and end of the string.
String.toCamelCase() Static function that is used to format a sentence to camel case. (e.g. Hello world => helloWorld).
String.toNormalCase() Static function that is used to turn a string that is in camel case format to a Normal sentence format. (e.g. helloWorld => Hello World)
String.format(stringTemplate, dynamicVars...) Static function that will format a string with dynamic variables.
String.substringBefore(searchCriteria) Static function that returns the sub-string found before the search criteria
String.substringAfter(searchCriteria) Static function that returns the sub-string found after the search criteria


Byte Pushers


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  1. Use either minified version of modules or normal version of modules in the Gruntfile.js and Karma.conf.js files; but not both and not mixed matched.