
Convert input (string, array, object) to lowerCamelcase

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import camelcaseInput from '';


NPM Package To Convert Input Into lowerCamelcase Format

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Convert your input into lowerCamelcase format, this Node.js module allows you to convert string, array. object into lowerCamelcase.


Install with the node package manager npm:

  • Using npm
    $ npm install camelcase-input --save
  • Using yarn
    $ yarn add camelcase-input

How To Use?

Convert string Input

const camelcase = require('camelcase-input').camelcase

/* OUTPUT */

Convert object Input

const camelcase = require('camelcase-input').camelcase
console.log(camelcase({'foo-bar': true}))

/* OUTPUT */
{ fooBar: true }

Convert array of objects Input

const camelcase = require('camelcase-input').camelcase
console.log(camelcase([{'foo-bar': true}, {'is_that_you': true}]))

/* OUTPUT */
[ { fooBar: true }, { isThatYou: true } ]

Convert array of string Input

const camelcase = require('camelcase-input').camelcase
console.log(camelcase(['Foo-Bar', 'are-you-there']))

/* OUTPUT */
fooBar, areYouThere

Convert array of objects Input ({ deep: true })

const camelcase = require('camelcase-input').camelcase
console.log(camelcase([{'FOo-bar': [{'abc-df__r': true}, {'tghd_dfdf--ee': true}]}, {'bar-foo': { 'Test-te': {'opt-tdt': 'dfdfdf'} }}], { deep: true })))

/* OUTPUT */
[{ fooBar: [{ abcDfR: true }, { tghdDfdfEe: true }] },{ barFoo: { testTe: { optTdt: dfdfdf } } }]


  • 1.0.0 Initial version
  • 1.0.1 email regex added (email is not converted)
  • 1.0.5 some issues resolved