
Super simple function chaining APIs

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import chainJs from '';


chain.js Build Status

chain.js is designed to make chaining-based APIs easy.


Here's an example:

var Ajax = Chain.with({
  dataType: 'txts',
  method: 'post',
  url: '/'

Ajax.flag('get', {method: 'get'});
Ajax.flag('json', {dataType: 'json'});

Ajax.def(function invoke() {
  var request = new XMLHttpRequest();

  return this.with('request', request).promise(function(resolve, reject) {
    request.onreadystatuschange = function() {
      if (request.readyState != XMLHttpRequest.DONE) return;

      if (request.status === 200) {
      } else {
        reject(new Error(request.statusText));
    };, this.url, true);
  }).then(function(result) {
    switch (this.dataType) {
      case 'json': return JSON.parse(json);

var request = Ajax.get.json.with({url: '/albums/12345.json'});

request().then(function(album) {

request.with({url: '/'})().then(function())

Mutating Methods

  • Chain.def( fn )
  • Chain.getter( fn )
  • Chain.lazy( fn )
  • Chain.flag( name, properties )

Cloning Methods

  • Chain.with()
  • Chain.clone
  • Chain.tap()
  • Chain.promise()
  • Chain.then()
  • Chain.catch()

#def( namedFunction )

def is used to assign non-enumerable functions. Values can be assigned with #def( name, value ).

#getter( namedFunction )

Similar to def except getters are called without parenthesis:

var Invoice = Chain.clone;

Invoice.getter(function isDue() {
  return this.dueDate < new Date();

var invoice = Invoice.set({dueDate: new Date(2020)})

invoice.isDue === false;

#lazy( namedFunction )

lazy is just like getter, but it re-assigns itself as the return value of the passed function.

#with( attributes )

Create a clone with the passed attributes appended:

var person = Chain.with({
  first_name: "John",
  last_name: "Doe"

#flag( name, attributes )

flag is a shortcut for returning a clone with attributes appended:

var Order = Chain.clone;

Order.flag('asShipped', {status: 'shipped'});
Order.flag('asDelivered', {status: 'delivered'});

var order1 = Order.asShipped;
var order2 = order1.asDelivered;

order1.status === 'shipped';
order2.status === 'delivered';


#tap( fn )

tap creates a clone, applies fn to it, and then returns it. The clone is also passed as the first argument.

Chain.tap(function(clone) {
  this === clone;

#promise( fn )

chain.js promises require an ES6-compatible window.Promise object. Alternatively, you can set your own: Chain.def('Promise', RSVP.Promise). chain.js promises are lazy: fn isn't invoked until #then() has been called on the chain.

#then( onResolved, onRejected )

#catch( onRejected )