
ensure downloaded resources match expected hash of their contents.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import checkHash from '';



ensure downloaded resources match expected hash of their contents.


npm i -S check-hash


var checkHash = require('check-hash');
var expectation = 'f8767c0bacc0ed516bfa22802dda573082b5bf463e5ea79a74087272ccb2d1e2'; // node v4.3.2

checkHash.fromFile('./node.exe', { hash: 'sha256', expectation: expectation }, function (err, passed, actual) {
  if (err) {
  } else if (!passed) {
    done(new Error('invalid hash: ' + actual));
  } else {
    // success

fromFile(file, expectedHash, done)

expectedHash can be either a string with hash or an object with two properties:

  • hash hashing algorithm to use ('md5', 'sha256')
  • expected string with expected hash

Computes a hash of the contents for the provided file, after reading it, and then calls done(err, passed, actual).

  • err reports any errors that occurred while reading the file or computing the hash.
  • passed reports true if the hashes match, and false otherwise
  • actual is the result of hashing the contents of the provided file

fromBuffer(buffer, expectedHash, done)

expectedHash can be either a string with hash or an object with two properties:

  • hash hashing algorithm to use ('md5', 'sha256')
  • expected string with expected hash

Computes a hash of the provided buffer, and then calls done(err, passed, actual).

  • err reports any errors that occurred while computing the hash.
  • passed reports true if the hashes match, and false otherwise
  • actual is the result of hashing the contents of the provided buffer

