
Converts Chinese numerals in a string into Arabic numerals.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import chineseNumbersConverter from '';



Small library that converts Chinese numbers into an Arabic Number, for example 兩百四十五 into 245.

Available via NPM, npm i --save chinese-numbers-converter.

Language support

Supports Traditional, Simplified, Financial numbers and some dialects. Only integers are supported, except the limited support for Arabic decimal + Chinese number, like "3.5萬". The largest supported character is 億/亿.

Usage examples

The ChineseNumber class contains these methods:

  • toInteger() - converts a Chinese or mixed number into Arabic and returns a JavaScript Number type.
  • toArabicString(minChars) - translates the entire string (possibly with multiple numbers in it) and returns the same string, but with Arabic numbers. The optional parameter minChars is the minimum number of characters that will be translated. For example, you can set it to 2 to avoid translating 九龍 into 9龍.
  • isNumberOrSpace() - checks whether the character is part of a number (true) or unrelated text (false).
new ChineseNumber('兩百四十五').toInteger(); // 245 - Normal number
new ChineseNumber('345 萬').toInteger(); // 3,450,000 - Mixed Arabic and Chinese
new ChineseNumber('3.5萬').toInteger(); // 35,000 - The only supported type of decimals
new ChineseNumber(' 二〇一二年').toInteger(); // 2012 - Phone, year etc: without the words "thousand, hundred, ten"
new ChineseNumber('卅六').toInteger(); // 36 - Cantonese slang
new ChineseNumber('***貳佰零伍元***').toInteger(); // 205 - finance numbers 
new ChineseNumber('1000 and one').toInteger(); // 1000 - ignore non-Chinese words

// Strings with multiple numbers:
new ChineseNumber('這款車的價格從34.5萬港幣到55.4萬港幣。').toArabicString(); "這款車的價格從345000港幣到554000港幣。" - multiple numbers OK

Possible unexpected results

new ChineseNumber(' 二百 or 兩百').toInteger(); // 400 - the toInteger() method only parses one number at once. Use toArabicString() instead.
new ChineseNumber('九龍').toArabicString(); // 9龍 - use the minChars parameter to avoid this
new ChineseNumber('4,5萬').toArabicString(); // 450000 - use dot instead of comma for decimals, e.g. 4.52萬
new ChineseNumber('4.52萬').toArabicString(); // 45199.99999999999 - JavaScript decimal issues
new ChineseNumber('***3.1323445124421445001***').toArabicString(); // 3.1323445124421445 - the decimal part is too long for JavaScript, so it is rounded


  • NPM package - chinese-numbers-converter;
  • Browser - use Browserify after converting the code to ES2015 standard using Babel.