
Export Document (to RTF and PDF) plugin for CKEditor 5.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ckeditor5ExportDocument from '';


CKEditor 5 Export Document feature

This package implements Export Document support for CKEditor 5.

It could be called poor's man export (yes, this one is free! yay!). Maybe (probably), it is not as good as the CKEditor5 paid implementation: ( and I suggest you to check their solution! But, if you can not pay or want to contribute to a new project, you are welcome!

Right now, it supports RTF (using html-to-rtf-browser) and PDF (using html-to-pdfmake and pdfmake) conversion. More to come.

These two conversion examples does not need a server.

You can add other conversions (with or without server) using the editor configuration. Just provide a callback to produce the conversion and you are done.

We need translators! If you want to translate to your language, open a PR!


$ npm install ckeditor5-export-document

then you can use in your build like this

import ExportDocument from 'ckeditor5-export-document/src/exportDocument';
// it can be any CKEditor flavour
DecoupledEditor.builtinPlugins = [
    toolbar: {
        items: [
