
Kafka transport plugin for CloudEvents JS SDK

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cloudeventsKafka from '';


CloudEvents JS SDK Kafka

Kafka transport extension for CloudEvents JS SDK


Allow serialise and deserialise CloudEvents for kafka protocol.


npm install cloudevents cloudevents-kafka kafkajs
# or
yarn add cloudevents cloudevents-kafka kafkajs

Note: For examples will be used kafkajs, but you can use any other client library.


Strict CloudEvent

Default CloudEvent constructor do not strictly check input object, for enable strict mode this library have two classes.

import { Version, CloudEvent } from 'cloudevents'
import {CloudEventStrict, CloudEventStrictV1} from "cloudevents-kafka"

// Will throw runtime exceptions about missing `id` field
const ce = new CloudEvent({
    specversion: Version.V1,
    source: 'some-source',
    // id: 'some-id',
    type: 'message.send'

// Will show typescript error during compilation about missing `id` field
const ces = new CloudEventStrict({
    specversion: Version.V1,
    source: 'some-source',
    // id: 'some-id',
    type: 'message.send'

// Will show typescript error during compilation about missing `id` field
const cev1 = new CloudEventStrictV1({
    source: 'some-source',
    // id: 'some-id',
    type: 'message.send'

Receiving Events

If received valid KafkaMessage it will be dedeserialized as CloudEvent

kafka = new Kafka({
    clientId: 'test-app',
    brokers: ['kafka:9092']

consumer = kafka.consumer({ groupId: 'test-group' })

await consumer.connect()
await consumer.subscribe({ topic: 'test-topic', fromBeginning: true })

    eachMessage: async ({message}: EachMessagePayload) => {
        const receivedEvent = CeKafka.deserialize(message)
        console.log(receivedEvent); // will be valid CloudEvent

Emitting Events

CloudEvent will be serialised as KafkaMessage object, which will contain key, value, header and timestamp fields, which yhou can send using any client.

import { Version } from 'cloudevents'
import {Consumer, EachMessagePayload, Kafka, Producer} from 'kafkajs'
import * as CeKafka from "cloudevents-kafka"
const {CloudEventStrict} = CeKafka

kafka = new Kafka({
    clientId: 'test-app',
    brokers: ['kafka:9092']

producer = kafka.producer()

await producer.connect()

const ce = new CloudEventStrict({
    specversion: Version.V1,
    source: 'some-source',
    id: 'some-id',
    type: 'message.send'
const messsage = CeKafka.structured(ce)

await producer.send({
    topic: 'test-topic',
    messages: [

Patitions Key

For define key property of kafka message you can add partitionkey field to your event

const ce = new CloudEvent({
    specversion: Version.V1,
    source: 'some-source',
    id: 'some-id',
    type: 'message.send',
    partitionkey: 'some-partitionkey'

const messsage = CeKafka.structured(ce)
console.log(message.key) // some-partitionkey


Firstly save alias in /etc/hosts       localhost kafka

Start kafka

docker-compose up kafka

Install dependencies


Run tests

yarn test