
CoffeeScript cluster module to manage multi process cluster in NodeJs. Clustr is responseable for worker spawning and messaging between all processes.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import clustrNode from '';


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CoffeeScript cluster module to manage multi process cluster in NodeJs. Clustr is responseable for worker spawning and messaging between all processes.


npm install clustr-node



To require the module, just do.

Clustr = require("clustr-node")


Create the master process.

master = Clustr.Master.create
  name: "master"

Public messages are send to each living process. To make the master listen to public messages do.

master.onPublic (message) =>
  # do something with public message when it was received

Private messages are for a specific role only that is defined by its name. To make the master listen to private messages do.

master.onPrivate (message) =>
  # do something with private message when it was received

The master is able to receive for confirmations. To listen to a confirmation just do the following. As described, the callback is executed when the message "identifier" was received 2 times.

master.onConfirmation 2, "identifier", () =>
  # do something when message "identifier" was received 2 times

To make the master publish a message to a channel do.

master.publish("channel", "message")

Each process is able to spawn workers. Spawning a worker requires a file the worker should execute. Optionally workers can be cpu bound. Cpu affinity is set using the taskset command, which only works under unix systems. To make the master spawn workers, do something like that.

master.spawn [
  { file: "./",   cpu: 1 }
  { file: "./",          }
  { file: "./", cpu: 2 }
  { file: "./",        }


Create a worker process.

worker = Clustr.Worker.create
  name: "worker"

Public messages are send to each living process. To make a worker listen to public messages do.

worker.onPublic (message) =>
  # do something with public message when it was received

Private messages are for a specific role only that is defined by its name. To make a worker listen to private messages do.

worker.onPrivate (message) =>
  # do something with private message when it was received

To make a worker publish a message to a channel do.

worker.publish("channel", "message")

Each process is able to spawn workers. Spawning a worker requires a file the worker should execute. Optionally workers can be cpu bound. Cpu affinity is set using the taskset command, which only works under unix systems. To make a worker spawn workers, do something like that.

worker.spawn [
  { file: "./",   cpu: 1 }
  { file: "./",          }
  { file: "./", cpu: 2 }
  { file: "./",        }


For examples take a look into the examples/ directory and play around.


Tests are located in spec/ directory. To run it just do.

npm test