
Link distant parts of your codebase together. Keep your source code in sync.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import coderef from '';



Keep distant parts of your code base in sync by using searchable cross-references.

It's a simple, yet powerful concept. Just run npx coderef to copy a unique tag to your clipboard (like §SDyBm), then use it to link different parts of your codebase together.



const el = document.querySelector('#someElement')
const color = '#00f' // §xRDEM - This is the same color as the page's font color = color


body {
    /* §xRDEM - This is the same color as #someElement's background */
    color: #00f;

Assuming your team is all on the same page, anyone team member updating these colors will know to search the project (with grep, their code editor, etc) for the tag §xRDEM to find all other places that may need updating.


Now that you've seen this concept, you won't be able to unsee it. We're creating abstractions left and right to make code more DRY, and a good handful of them can simply be replaced with a couple of code tags.

Happy Coding!


If for some reason you choose to install and import this package, you will find it exposes a single generate function, which, when called, returns a randomly generated tag.


This project is under the MIT license.

Bug Reports/Feature Requests

This project's github repository can be found here. Bug reports and feature requests are welcome, and can be submitted on github.