
Congrats! You just saved yourself hours of work by bootstrapping this project with TSDX. Let’s get you oriented with what’s here and how to use it.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import compe from '';



A CLIxLibrary for Competitive Programming with JavaScript/Node.js


  • Node v12.x or higher (preferably v16.x+)
  • Set node modules to path variable to use cli


For the package:

npm i compe

For the cli, you can:

npm i -g compe minify

You can add the prefix npx after every command as an alternative where you want to avoid installing global package. Enable intellisense to get the best experience.

Compe commands

Add npx prefix incase you don't have CLIs installed.

$ compe i <source-file.js> <input-file.txt>: Initialize the source file at source-file.js and the input file at input-file.txt (if input-file is empty then the input will be taken from the bottom of your source code in comment)
$ compe s <source-file.js>: Save the source file directory as default
$ compe i s <source-file.js> <input-file.txt>: Initialize the file and then save to config
$ compe r <source-file.js>: If the config has default source file, source-file can be ignored. Run the source file and build it at source-file-build.js and fully compressed to submit on Online Judges at source-file-comp.js

Getting your first AC

Make a txt (by default from template, it is "input.txt") file in the same directory with the one you want to run for stdin. There are global functions that responsible for reading and writing where we will show in the following example. Sample code for printing sum of an array at demo.js after init:

const { proc } = require('compe');
function main() {
  // Read the 2 dimensions of the matrix
  let [n, m] = rnum(2);

  // Initialize the matrix with cell values of 0
  let a = array(0, n, m);

  // Initialize the sum and minimum value
  let sum = 0, minVal = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;

  // For each row
  for (let i = 0; i < n; i ++) {

    // Read the m elements of that row
    a[i] = rnum(m);
    // Update the sum for every elements
    for (let value of a[i]) {
      sum += value;
    // Update the minimum value with the minimum of that row
    minVal = min(minVal, minElement(a[i]).res);

  // Print the sum and minimum value, seperated by space
  print(sum, " ", minVal);
proc(main, __filename);
3 4
1 2 3 4
4 -3 1 3
5 7 0 3


  • This project uses TSTL's TreeSet where their documentation is here.
  • To Be Updated...

Platforms supported

  • Leetcode
  • Codeforces
  • TBA: Atcoder, Hackerrank, ...

Built with
