
Connect middleware that helps maintain a high quality of service during heavy traffic

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import connectQos from '';



Connect middleware that helps maintain a high quality of service during heavy traffic. The basic idea is to identify bad actors and not penalize legitimate traffic more than necessary until proper mitigation can be activated.


While this library provides some basic HTTP (Layer 7) flood attack protection, it does NOT remove the need for proper multi-layered DDoS defenses.

It's recommended to monitor for 5xx errors and alarm if threshold exceeded -- otherwise you may face an attack and not know about it.

Getting Started with Connect/Express

Using Connect or Express?

    connect = require("connect"),
    http = require("http"),
    QoS = require("connect-qos")

var app = connect()
    .use(new QoS({ }))
    .use(function(req, res) {
        res.end("Hello World!");


Getting Started with HTTP

Real coders don't use middleware? We've got you covered...

    http = require("http"),
    QoS = require("connect-qos")

var qos = new QoS({ });
http.createServer(function(req, res) {
    qos(req, res, function() {
        res.end("Hello World!");


  1. Identify potential bad actors
  2. Respond with 503 (BUSY) during heavy traffic for bad actors only
  3. Very light weight, no complex algorithms


For you tweakers out there, here's some levers to pull:

  • maxLag (default: 70) - Lag time in milliseconds before throttling kicks in. Default should typically suffice unless you support cpu-intensive operations.
  • historySize (default: 1000) - The length of request history to use in tracking bad actors. Greater the history the more accurate the results, but can also increase cpu usage.
  • userLag (default: 300) - If defined, even if bad actors are not identified, any user can be throttled during very heavy traffic.
  • hitRatio (default: 0.01) - Ratio of hits (0.01 equates to 1% of historySize) required to be identified as a potential bad actor.


  • Support for tracking top bad actors over time
    • Avoids small temporary bursts resulting in bad actor flag
    • Includes dampening factor
  • Support for bad actor ranking
    • Only throttle the worst offenders