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Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import contaoBootstrapHoverDropdownBundle from '';


Contao Bootstrap Hover Dropdown Bundle

This bundle offers hover functionality for the contao navigation using a bootstrap dropdown menu.


Install via composer: composer require heimrichhannot/contao-bootstrap-hover-dropdown-bundle and update your database.

Installation with frontend assets using webpack

If you want to add the frontend assets (JS & CSS) to your project using webpack, please add foxy/foxy to the depndencies of your project's composer.json and add the following to its config section:

"foxy": {
  "manager": "yarn",
  "manager-version": "^1.5.0"

Using this, foxy will automatically add the needed yarn packages to your project's node_modules folder.

If you want to specify which frontend assets to use on a per page level, you can use heimrichhannot/contao-encore-bundle.


Select the nav_hover_dropdown.html5 (legacy: nav_navbar_collapse_hover.html5) template inside your navigation module or copy the template and adjust for your needs.